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| - The research plan ?Medical Problem of Weapons of Mass Destruction? will be realized at three departments of the applicant. The subject of the research activity performed at the Department of Toxicology will be to study the biological effects of importantt CWA misused as chemical weapons by armed forces or terrorists and to develop new medical countermeasures for the protection of people. At the Department of Radiobiology, ionizing radiation effects at molecular level in diagnostics, protection and treatment of humans against the nuclear weapons will be studied. The research plan will be focused on the identification of proteins playing a key role in cellular response to ionizing irradiation. The research activity carried out at the Institute of Molecular Pathology will cover the study of molecular structures of microbes from the BW-agent list, the analysis of their interaction with host defense mechanisms and the construction of new immunoprophylactic tools for BW-protection. (en)
- Výzkumný záměr Zdravotnická problematika ZHN bude realizován na třech pracovištích uchazeče. Předmětem výzkumné činnosti realizované na katedře toxikologie bude výzkum biologických účinků nejvýznamnějších otravných látek zneužitelných jako chemické zbrraně nebo silami terorismu a vývoj co nejúčinnějších prostředků zdravotnické ochrany jednotlivce i kolektivu proti účinkům těchto látek. Na katedře radiobiologie bude předmětem výzkumné činnosti studium nových poznatků účinku ionizujícího záření na molekulární úrovni v diagnostice, ochraně a léčbě živé síly proti jaderným zbraním Výzkumný záměr bude zaměřen na identifikaci proteinů, které jsou klíčové v odpovědi buňky na ionizující záření. Výzkumná činnost realizovaná na Ústavu molekulární patologie budde orientována na získání poznatků o molekulárních strukturách mikrobů ze seznamu BW agens a interakci těchto struktur s hostitelskými obrannými systémy za účelem konstrukce imunoprofylaktických prostředků k ochraně proti BW agens.
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- Medical countermeasures of nuclear, biological and chemical casualties (en)
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| - Řešení výzkumného záměru věnovaného zdravotnické problematice zbraní hromadného ničení s využitím moderních metod a technologií přineslo celou řadu originálních výsledků majících zásadní význam pro kvalitativní zlepšení časné diagnostiky, profylaxe a terapie živé síly zasažené chemickými, biologickými, radiologickými a nukleárními zbraněmi. (cs)
- The solution of the research aim devoted to the health problems of weapons of mass destruction brings, with the help of the modern methods and technologies, numerous original results having essential importance for the qualitative improvement of early diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of humans exposed to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. (en)
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of | - The reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of oximes to counteract Russian VX poisonings
- Increase in gamma H2AX and decrease in NK cell characterise response of human lymphocytes to low LET irradiation
- Identification of immunoreactive antigens in membrane proteins enriched fraction from Francisella tularensis LVS
- In vitro reactivation potency of bispyridinium (E)-but-2-ene linked acetylcholinesterase reactivators against tabun-inhibited acetylcholinesterase
- HPLC analysis of HI-6 dichloride and dimethanesulfonate - Antidotes against nerve agents and organophosphorus pesticides
- Valproic acid induces CYP3A4 and MDR1 gene expression by activation of constitutive androstane receptor and pregnane X receptor pathways
- %22Sladký%22 svět bakterií: metodické přístupy využívané v analýze bakteriálních glykoproteinů
- Two possibilities how to increase the efficacy of antidotal treatment of nerve agent poisonings
- Transdermal drug delivery in vitro using diffusion cells
- Changes in phosphorylation of histone H2A.X and p53 in response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to gamma irradiation
- The benefit of combinations of oximes for the reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of antidotal treatment of sarin poisoning in rats and mice
- Asoxime (HI-6) impact on dogs after one and tenfold therapeutic doses: assessment of adverse effects, distribution, and oxidative stress
- Francisella tularensis membrane complexome by blue native/SDS-PAGE
- Introduction:Application of proteomic technologies for analysis of microbial infections
- Investigation of oxidative stress in blood, brain, kidney and liver after oxime antidote HI-6 application in a mouse experimental model
- Macrophage-assisted inflammation and pharmacological regulation of the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway
- LPS structure influences protein secretion in Salmonella enteritica
- Oxidative stress after sulfur mustard intoxication and its reduction by melatonin: efficacy of antioxidant therapy during serious intoxication
- The problems of proteinuria measurement in urine with presence of Bence Jones protein
- Role of γ-H2AX in DNA-damage response and its possible clinical applications
- The use of glass beads cultivation system to study the global effect of the ppk gene inactivation in Streptomyces lividans
- A comparison of the efficacy of newly developed reversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase with commonly used pyridostigmine as pharmacological pre-treatment of soman-poisoned mice
- Activation of p38 MAPK and expression of TGF-beta 1 in rat colon enterocytes after whole body gamma-irradiation
- The benefit of combination of oximes for the neuroprotective efficacy of antidotal treatment of sarin-poisoned rats
- Irradiated stem cells and ageing of the haematopoietic system
- Impact of Phospho-ELK-1 expression in enterocytes in biodosimetry after low-dose irradiation
- Gamma-radiation-induced ATM-dependent signalling in human T-lymphocyte leukemic cells, MOLT-4
- Design of a potent reactivator of tabun-inhibited acetylcholinesterase-synthesis and evaluation of (E)-1-(4-carbamoylpyridinium)-4-(4-hydroxyiminomethylpyridinium)-but-2-ene dibromide (K203)
- Prevence vzniku T-2 toxinu a způsoby minimalizace jeho toxického působení
- Potency of new structurally different oximes to reactivate cyclosarin inhibited-human brain acetylcholinesterases
- New oximes (K-27and K-48) in comparison with obidoxime (LuH-6), HI-6, trimedoxime (TMB-4) and pralidoxime (2-PAM): survival in rats exposed to organophosphate paraoxon
- Synthesis of the novel series of asymmetrical bispyridinium compounds bearing xylene linker and evaluation of their reactivation activity against tabun and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase
- Comparative proteome analysis of strains with differential virulence
- Comparison of potential cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of selected antidotes against organophosphates inhibiting acetylcholinesterase
- Cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay / CBMN cytome assay in human lymphocytes after in vitro irradiation and its use in biodosimetry
- Dicentric analysis and premature chromosome condensation (PCC)
- CBRN JAT: NATO response force's advising body in CBRN issues as a common interest of military health service and CBRN troops of the Czech Armed Forces
- Biohazard of protein biotoxins
- Kinetics of decomposition of organophosphate Fenitrothion by decontaminating foam-making blend
- Comparative proteomic profiling of culture filtrate proteins of less and highly virulent Francisella tularensis strains
- Sensitivity of porcine peripheral blood leukocytes to gamma-irradiation in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo
- Současné hranice a výzvy radiační biodozimetrie
- Sulfur mustard induced oxidative stress and its alteration by epigallocatechin gallate
- Ascorbic Acid: An Old Player with a Broad Impact on Body Physiology Including Oxidative Stress Suppression and Immunomodulation: A Review
- Deletion of IglH in virulent Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis holarctica FSC200 strain results in attenuation and provides protection against the challenge with the parental strain
- Klinicko-laboratorní vyšetření při otravách pesticidy
- Radio-sensitization of human leukaemic molt-4 cells by DNA-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, NU7026
- Transdermal penetration of the acetylcholinesterase reactivator HI-6 in a rat model
- Comparison of the neuroprotective effects of the newly developed oximes (K027, K048) with trimedoxime in tabun-poisoned rats
- Comparison of reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of two salts of the oxime HI-6 against tabun, soman and cyclosarin in rats
- Radiační události a jejich zdravotnické zabezpečení
- A proteomic view of the host-pathogen interaction: The host perspective
- A comparison of the neuroprotective efficacy of individual oxime (HI-6) and combinations of oximes (HI-6+ trimedoxime, HI-6+ K203) in soman-poisoned rats
- A comparison of reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of bispyridinium acetylcholinesterase reactivator KR-22934 with the oxime K203 and commonly used oximes (obidoxime, trimedoxime, HI-6) in tabun-poisoned rats and mice
- A comparison of the reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of chosen combinations of oximes with individual oximes aganst VX in rats and mice
- A comparison of the reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of the newly developed bispyridinium oxime K203 with currently available oximes, in sarin poisoned rats and mice
- A comparison of neuroprotective efficacy of individual oximes (HI-6, trimedoxime, K203) and their mixtures (HI-6 + trimedoxime, HI-6 + K203) in cyclosarin-poisoned rats
- Accumulation of DNA damage and cell death after fractionated irradiation
- Analysis of culture filtrate proteins of Francisella tularensis
- Dynamics of apoptosis in gamma-irradiated lymphocytes and the CD21(+)CD27(+) B-cell subset as a potential biodosimetric marker
- Effect of the label of oligosaccharide acceptors on the kinetic parameters of nasturtium seed xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET)
- Combined approach to demonstrate acetylcholinesterase activity changes in the rat brain following tabun intoxication and its treatment
- Fullerene nanoparticles and their anti-oxidative effects: a comparison to other radioprotective agents
- From the research of cholinesterase reactivators to the effective therapy of organophosphate/nerve agent poisoning
- Incorporation of beta-(1,6)-linked glucooligosaccharides (pustulooligosaccharides) into plant cell wall structures
- Myasthenia gravis - current treatment standards and emerging drugs