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| - This project is aimed at complex studies of the mechanism of anticancer activity of the metal-based compounds and is based on recent progress reached in this field in the applicant's laboratory. The goal of these studies is mainly to develop a systematic and complex theoretical background to the synthesis of metal complexes with unique DNA binding activities capable of overcoming the problem of cellular resistance to metal-based cytostatics already used in clinic and of their limited activity against the most common tumors. An important aspect of this approach is to find the DNA adduct of platinum or ruthenium complexes most likely relevant to their antitumor effect and the factors controlling its formation. Another important aspect is to examine and compare the mechanism of action of metal complexes structurally distinct from platinum anticancer drugs used in the clinic. Specific aims of this project are to: 1. Determine the effect of DNA topology on bindin (en)
- Tento projekt je zaměřen na komplexní studie mechanismu ptotinádorové účinnosti komplexů kovů a je založen na pokroku dosaženém v laboratoři navrhovatele v této vědní oblasti. Cílem studií popsaných v tomto projektu je vyvinout systematické a komplexní teoretické zázemí pro syntézu komplexů kovů s unikátními vazebnými vlastmostmi vůči DNA, které jsou schopné překonat jednak problémy získané buněčné rezistence k cytostatikům odvozeným od komplexů kovů a již využívaným v klinické praxi, jednak problémy související s jejich omezenou aktivitou v nejběžnějších nádorech (nádorech střev a prsu) a vedlejšími účinky. Důelžitým aspektem tohoto výzkumu je také popsat poškození DNA vyvolaná komplexy platiny a rhutenia, která vedou k protinádorovému efektu a faktory ovlivňující jejich vznik. Důležitý ja také návrh na zkoumání a srovnání mechanismu působení komplexů kovů strukturně odlišných od platinových cytostatik již používaných v klinické praxi. Specifické cíle tohoto projektu jsou: l)stanovit efekt topo
| - Affection of DNA conformation by metal-based anticancer drugs. Relations to the development of new cytostatics (en)
- Ovlivnění konformace DNA protinádorově účinnými komplexy kovů. Vztah k vývoji nových cytostatik.
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| - Ve třetím roce řešení se usilovalo o dokončení termodynamické analýzy stability DNA obsahující vybrané adukty platinových cytostatik modifikací dvouřetězové DNA protinádorově účinnými komplexy in vitro. Údaje řešitele tak, jak je uvedeno v Závěrečné kart (cs)
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of | - DNA Modifications by a Novel Bifunctional Trinuclear Platinum Phase I Anticancer Agent.
- Effect of Geometric Isomerism in Dinuclear Platinum Antitumor Complexes on DNA Interstrand Cross-Linking.
- DNA Interactions of New Antitumor Aminophosphine Platinum (II) Complexes.
- DNA interactions of a novel class of platinum antitumour agents.
- DNA interaction of cisplatin tethered to the DNA minor groove binder distamycin.
- Chemistry and Structural Biology of 1,2-Interstrand Adducts of Cisplatin.
- Conformational analysis of site-specific DNA cross-links of cisplatin-distamycin conjugates.
- Modification of natural, double-helical DNA by antitumor cis- and trans-/CL2(Me2SO4) 4 Ru/ in cell-free media.
- Thermal and Thermodynamic Properties of Duplex DNA Containing Site-specific Interstrand Cross-link of Antitumor Cisplatin or Its Clinically Ineffective Trans Isomer.
- Thermodynamic properties of duplex DNA containing a site-specific d(GpG) intrastrand crosslink formed by an antitumor dinuclear platinum complex.
- A comparison of DNA binding profiles of dinuclear platinum compounds with polyamine linkers and the trinuclear platinum phase II clinical agent BBR3464
- Database of numerical physical chemistry examples for the educational CECAL program
- A new class of antitumour coordination compounds of Pt(II)?
- Numerické výpočty na pomezí analytické a fyzikální chemie v systému COMENIUS2000
- Survival and possibility of adaptive response in Escherichia coli after its treatment with ionizing irradiation, cis-diamminedichloroplatinum and some its derivatives.
- %22Electrostatic Compounds%22 of Pt(II)
- Kinetic-spectrophotometric determination of ascorbic acid
- Motivation problems (type %22Chemical text%22)
- Computerised and printed form of a physical chemistry study material
- Výukový program CECAL a jeho využití ve výuce fyzikální chemie na Pedagogické fakultě Masarykovy university v Brně
- Educational system COMENIUS 2000 as a tutor of physical chemistry formulas, equations and laws
- Educational system COMENIUS 2000 and its use in chemical calculations
- A comparison of DNA binding profiles of bis platinum compounds with polyamine linkers and a trinuclear platinum phase I clinical agent
- DNA interactions of antitumor cisplatin analogs containing enantiomeric amine ligands
- DNA Interactions of Antitumor Cisplatin Analogs Containing Enantiometric Amine Ligands.
- DNA sensor for the determination of antitumor platinum compounds.
- Sequence specificity, conformation, and recognition by HMG1 protein of major DNA interstrand cross-links of antitumor dinuclear platinum complexes
- Steric control of DNA interstrand cross-link sites of trans platinum complexes: specificity can be dictated by planar nonlelaving groups
- Steric control of DNA interstrand cross-link sites of trans platinum complexes: specificity can be dictated by planar nonleaving groups.
- Sequence Specificity, Corformation, and Recognition by HMG1 Protein of Major DNA Interstrand Cross-links of Antitumor Dinuclear Platinum Complexes.
- Biophysical analysis of natural, double-helical DNA modified by anticancer heterocyclic complexes of ruthenium(III) in cell-free media.
- Conformation, Recognition by High Mobility Group Domain Proteins, and Nucleotide Excision Repair of DNA Intrastrand Cross-links of Novel Antitumor Trinuclear Platinum Complex BBR3464.
- Conformation, Recognition by HMG-domain Proteins and Nucleotide Excision Repair of DNA Monofunctional Adducts of Novel Antitumor Bifunctional Platinum Complex trans-[PtCl2(NH3)(thiazole)].
- Conformation, recognition by HMG-domain proteins and nucleotide excision repair of DNA monofunctional adducts of novel antitumor bifunctional platinum complex trans-[PtCl2(NH3)(thiazole)].
- Double-check probing of DNA bending and unwinding by XPA-RPA: an architectiral function in DNA repair
- Different Recognition of DNA Modified by Antitumor Cisplatin and Its Clinically Ineffective trans Isomer by Tumor Suppressor Protein p53.
- DNA Modifications by a New Dinuclear Platinum(II) Organometallic Complex.
- The Impact of Interstrand Cross-link of Cisplatin or Transplatin on Thermodynamic Stability of DNA.
- Textbook of solved numerical physical chemistry examples generated by means of the educational CECAL program
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