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| - V pracovní dny od 8:00 do 16:00, dne 09.06. 2011 do 12:00
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| - 1.stupeň: Poskytovatel zkontroluje splnění podmínek a kritérií veřejné soutěže, stanovených pro 1.stupeň, zejména formálních náležitostí předběžných návrhů projektů. Návrhy projektů, které splní podmínky a kritéria uvedené v zadávací dokumentaci v části 2, v kapitole Kritéria a postup hodnocení návrhů projektů pro 1.stupeň, budou předloženy odbornému poradnímu orgánu ke zhodnocení. Doporučené předběžné návrhy projektů k postupu do 2.stupně budou předloženy poskytovateli. 2.stupeň: Poskytovatel zkontroluje splnění podmínek a kritérií stanovených pro 2.stupeň, zejména formální náležitosti kompletních návrhů projektů. Návrhy projektů, které splní podmínky a kritéria uvedené v zadávací dokumentaci v části 2, v kapitole Kritéria a postup hodnocení návrhů projektů pro 2.stupeň, budou předloženy odbornému poradnímu orgánu ke zhodnocení. Poskytovatel rozhodne o projektech, které budou financovány. (cs)
- 1st stage: The funder will check fulfilment of terms and criteria of public tender stated for 1st stage, formal belongings of project pre-proposals in particular. Pre-proposals corresponding to terms and requirements mentioned in Contractual documents – Part 2, Chapter Criteria and Way of evaluation valid for the 1st stage - will be put to evaluation to Advisory board of funder. Evaluated and recommended advanced pre-proposals will be put back to funder. 2nd stage: The funder will check fulfilment of terms and criteria stated for 2nd stage, formal belongings of project full-proposals in particular. Full-proposals corresponding to terms and requirements mentioned in Contractual documents – Part 2, Chapter Criteria and Way of evaluation stated for 2ns stage - will be put to evaluation to Advisory board of funder. Evaluated and recommended full-proposals will be put back to the funder. The funder will decide on funding of projects. (en)
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| - Commercial Journal (en)
- Obchodní věstník (cs)
| - All of the project proposals delivered to the Ministry of Agriculture before deadline will be judged according to the fulfilment of conditions for accepting the project proposals. The fulfilment of the conditions for accepting the project proposals will be evaluated by the Commission for the project proposal reception that is named by the provider. The provider – Ministry of Agriculture will decide about the proposal accepting in the public tender in R&D For not keeping of the conditions for accepting of the project proposal is considered: a) submit incomplete or wrongly fulfilled project proposal, b) using of different than approved software project proposal application form, c) no proved ability of the competitor, d) late deliverance of the proposal or delivering the proposal to the wrong place, e) not keeping other conditions (en)
- Všechny návrhy projektů doručené Ministerstvu zemědělství (NAZV) do doby uzávěrky budou posouzeny z hlediska splnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů. Splnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů vyhodnotí komise pro přijímání návrhů projektů jmenovaná poskytovatelem. O přijetí návrhu projektu do veřejné soutěže rozhodne poskytovatel – Ministerstvo zemědělství. Za nesplnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů (formální náležitosti) se považuje: a) předložení neúplného nebo chybně vyplněného návrhu projektu, b) použití jiné než platné verze softwarové přihlášky c) neprokázání způsobilosti uchazeče, d) pozdní doručení návrhu projektu na jiné než určené místo, f) nesplnění dalších podmínekv (cs)
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| - National Agency for Agricultural Research - internet (en)
- Národní agentura pro zemědělský výzkum - internet (cs)
| - SW application + printed copy (en)
- SW přihláška + výtisk (cs)
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| - Commercial Journal (en)
- Obchodní věstník (cs)
of | - Research of dairy farming systems in terms of optimizing microclimate and energy-economic demands.
- Innovations of bull semen processing and technological procedures of AI dose manufacture leading to improvement of bulls´ inseminating capabilities
- Optimation of the water regime on the model area of the Morava river alluvium
- The impact of the expected climate changes on soils of the Czech Republic and the evaluation of their productive functions
- New methods for production, quality control and the effects of probiotic foods
- Technology of production of bare-rooted broad-leaved saplings in forest nurseries and the use of this special planting stock in forest regeneration
- Improvement of nutritional, dietetic and sensory properties of domestic, alternative and small-scale cereals and their mill products by technological processes with use of fermentative effect of lactic acid bacteria.
- Integrated assessment of insect pests and fungal pathogens impact on spruce stands in the Czech Republic as a support for their operative management
- Determination of parameters for legislative assessing of the quality and safety of raw milk from cows, sheep and goats
- The use of humic substances as a feed additive for the prevention of diarrhoeal diseases of piglets and improvement of pig performance
- Innovation of apple and pear organic growing systems producing high quality fruits
- Trivalent Salmonella vaccine for poultry protection
- Technology of the freshwater fish breeding with using of re-circulatory systems of Danish type focused on the methods of effective treatment of environment and veterinary care
- Protection systems of quality and safety of dairy products by means of suitable methods applicable in practice
- Agronomic measures to a reduction of water erosion on arable land with utilization of organic matter plough down
- Development and optimization methods for the determination of biogenic amines in response to increasing health security of silage
- QJ1220054Impact of a change of climatic factors on the development of wind erosion processes, conceptual solution through the land adjustment measures
- New national feed quality evaluation system
- Colostrum as a source of new primary products in food and food supplements characterized by improved dietary properties and high content of natural biologically active substances.
- Identification and function determination of the drainage systems by means of remote sensing data utilization
- The development of effective measurements eliminating the impact of Chalara fraxinea in forest nursery and in subsequent aspects of forest and water management.
- Economical aspect of Phytophthora alni invasion in the context of climatic change
- Soil water regime within a sloping agricultural area
- QJ1220233 Assesment of agricultural land in the areas of extinct fishpond systems with the aim of supporting sustainable management of water and soil resources in the Czech Republic.
- Development of new information system and applied technological and organizational innovation of managing systems in dairy farming for strengthening of breeders´ competitive ability and improvement in the animal products´ quality and animals´welfare
- Utilization of long-term fertilizer experiments for the determination of risk elements entry from agroecosystems into the food chain.
- Effect of soil degradation on complex soil properties including conservation measures for restoration soil agroecological function
- Enlargement of assortment of rootstocks for pip fruit and assortment of pears for new cultivars of Asian pears (from Pyrus pyrifolia NAKAI. a Pyrus ussuriensis MAXIM.)
- Research, new products and services to create the centre of mastitis prevention, detection and support of its treatment.
- Management harmonization of wildlife populations and forest ecosystems in the context of expected climatic changes and damage minimization over forest stands
- Research and development of standard methodic procedures of recovering of fruit trees and grapevinesby chemotherapy of in vitro cultures for certification system of healthy status of planting material.
- A programme to control economically important infections in pig herds
- Stabilization of forest ecosystems by balanced proportion of natural and artificial reforestation
- Development and production of veterinary sets for determination of the MICs of antimicrobials with standardised microdilution method and the new concept of evaluation of the antimicrobials efficacy by MPC.
- Establishement and management of pond dykes growths with respect to their utilisation
- Development of apple trees pruning and plant protection in ecological production with biomass use for energetic and growing purpose.
- The utilization of biotechnological methods for more effective testing of pome fruit resistance to fire blight (bacterium Erwinia amylovora)
- Solving of current problems of the sweat and sour cherry cultivation with commercial fruit quality focused on environmental favourable techniques
- Sustainable systems for potato growing providing potection from common scab
- Optimizing utilization of logging residues in the forests with regard to the balance of nutrients and sustainability of forest production.
- Emissions and their impact on water quality
- Spatio-temporal pattern of bark beetle spreadig in the natural temperate forest after distrurbance.
- Reducing the risk of the occurrence of the causal agent of bacterial ring rot of potato in the breeding and propagation material.
- Higher nutritive and hygienically-toxicological quality of main species of field vegetable grown in innovated systems of integrated and ecological production
- Development and identification of new sources of combined resistance to the important diseases and pests of wheat with the use of field infection tests and molecular markers
- Integrated late blight management in new agro-environmental conditions using prediction of disease occurrence and based on new findings about pathogen population changes and tuber decay processes
- Possibilities of retention of reactive nitrogen from agriculture in the most vulnerable water resource area
- Testing of some chosen brassicacae insect pests susceptibility to insecticides
- Innovation of cropping systems of cereals in different agoecological conditions in Czech Republic.
- New type of vaccine against chicken viral diseases
- The molecular genetics as a tool for effective work in a small breeding population of pigs.
- High quality and safe Allium vegetables focusing to garlic
- Differentiation of intensity and management practices in relation to forest biodiversity and ensure the economic viability of forestry
- Selected members of viruses, bacteria and parasites as risk factors in raw materials and products of vegetable origin
- Implementation of methods for MRSA detection in meat of food animals and methods for effective measures against their spread in the food chain.
- Technological processes and composition of dairy products enabling extension of shelf-life, enhancing of safety or enhancing of nutrition and health benefits by means of bioactive compounds naturally occurring in foods
- Testing of inactivated vaccine for decreasing Salmonella positivity in pigs
- Strengthening of infiltration processes by runoff regulation from small catchments
- The application of digestate and their separated fractions in agriculture and horticulture for plant nutrition systems and/or for production of plant production substrates.
- Methods of diagnostics of pest resistance to pesticides and antiresistant strategies for minimization of pesticide influence on the environment
- Extraction of lignans from wood and their use in food supplements with significant biological effects.
- Monitoring, diagnostics and the economic damage threshold of cereal viruses and their vectors in accordance to climate changes