The purpose of the research is to identify, explain and verify the ties through which various categories of intangible assets and their mutual relationships influences the effectiveness and the long-term performance of the enterprise. As a result of the recognition of the ties, recommendations for measuring the impact of particular intangible assets on the enterprise performance and managing the strategic development of intangibles will be formulated. As a part of the recommendations for strategic management, the best examples from the foreign and domestic business practice will be documented. The obtained results will be discussed at the annual conferences organized by the researchers, published in the form of articles in journals and in conference proceedings and at the end of research they will be synthesized in a monograph. (en)
1. Vymezit terminologii nehmotných aktiv 2. Formulovat Teorii účinku nehmotných aktiv (TÚNA) na výkonnost podniku 3. Ověřit pravdivost TÚNA šetřením v podnikové praxi 4. Výsledky zobecnit do podoby doporučení pro úspěšné řízení nehmotných aktiv podniku a publikovat je v monografii.