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| - Diseases of the vascular system represent important problem at present time because they contribute to morbidity and mortality in the population worldwide. Increment of vascular diseases contributing to about one half of death has been repeatedlydemonstrated in the last years. It may be caused by cumulation of the risk factors either endogeneous (genetically determined) or exogeneous originating from the environment. Their combination amplificate negative influence on the vascular systémmanifesting in every part of the vasculature but mainly in parts where organs are strongly dependent on the normal physiological function of the blood (i.e. exchange of gases, nutrients etc.). (en)
- Předmětem VZ je v klinické části definování, diagnostika a terapeutické ovlivnění hrozících rizik cévních postižení (v oblasti kardiovaskulární, cerebrovaskulární a renovaskulární) u populace s endogenně i exogenně podmíněným zvýšeným sklonem k těmto komjednak analýza genetických, metabolických, endokrinních a humorálních příčin vedoucích k postižení cévní stěny u vytypovaných rizikových jedinců a jednak testování nových terapeutických postupů. VZ řeší problematiku onemocnění, která vedou k cévním komplmorbiditu a mortalitu postižené populace, jejíž výskyt trvale narůstá. Předkládaný VZ tak bezprostředně naváže na VZ řešený v letech 1999-2004, jehož je přímým pokračováním. Význam dlouhodobého projektu spočívá ve vytvoření zdůvodněných diagnostických ana prevenci cévních změn u studovaných chorob. Výstupem by měla být opatření vedoucí též k primární prevenci postižení cév.V části věnované základnímu výzkumu budou analyzovány faktory ovlivňující rozvoj cévních změn z hlediska patogenetických mechanismů
| - Metabolické, endokrinní a genetické aspekty prevence, diagnostiky a terapie kardiovaskulárních, cerebrovaskulárních a renovaskulárních onemocnění
- Metabolic, endocrine and genetic aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and renovascular diseases (en)
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| - cardiovascular diseases; cerebrovascular diseases; renovascular diseases (en)
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| - The vascular complications of metabolic and endocrine diseases including the influence of a number of external factors were studied. Interdisciplinary approach made it possible to reach a number of original results in both basic research and clinical practice. New diagnostic biomarkers were developed and several treatments were evaluated. The authors described effect of oxidative stress on devel (en)
- VZ se zabýval studiem příčin vzniku cévních změn u řady metabolických a endokrinních chorob včetně vlivu toxických faktorů zevního prostředí. Interdisciplinární výzkum umožnil badatelům dosáhnout řady originálních výsledků jak v základním výzkumu, tak v klinické praxi. Byly stanoveny nové diagnostické biomarkery a ověřeny různé léčebné postupy. Autorům se podařilo popsat vliv oxidačního stresu na (cs)
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of | - Relationship between circulating levels of soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and genetic variability in the AGER gene in subjects with diabetic nephropathy
- Tissue repair driven by two different mechanisms of growth factor plasmids VEGF and NGF in mice auricular cartilage: regeneration mediated by administering growth factor plasmids
- A419C (E111A) polymorphism of the glyoxalase I gene and vascular complications in chronic hemodialysis patients
- Factors influencing arterial stiffness in pheochromocytoma and effect of adrenalectomy
- Modulation of spontaneous and lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production and apoptosis by D-galactosamine in rat hepatocyte culture: the significance of combinations of combinations of different methods
- Resveratrol attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatitis in D-Galactosamine sensitized rats: Role of nitric oxide synthase 2 and heme oxygenase-1
- The Effect of Rosiglitazone on the Expression of Thrombogenic Markers on Leukocytes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Hyperlipidemia is associated with altered levels of insulin-like growth facktor-I
- Pharmacogenomics of metabolic effects of rosiglitazone
- Fetuin-A early after renal transplantation
- Fibroblast growth factor 23 and matrix-metalloproteinases in patients with chronic kidney disease: are they associated with cardiovascular disease?
- Lower retional levels as an independent predictor of mortality in long-term hemodialysis patients: A prospective observational cohort study
- Plasma calprotectin in chronically dialyzed end-stage renal disease patients
- Pharmacogenetic model of retinoic acid-induced dyslipidemia and insulin resistance
- The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in two main types of primary aldosteronism
- Associations of Serum Levels of Advanced Glycation end Products with Nutrition Markers and Anemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Glucose and Its Metabolites Have Distinct Effects on the Calcium-Induced Mitochondrial Permeability Transition
- Pheochromocytoma - tumor interest to cardiologists
- Fatty acids as biocompounds: their role in human metabolism, health and disease - a review. part 2: fatty acid physiological roles and applications in human health and disease
- Increased Uric Acid and Glucose Concentrations in Vitreous and Serum of Patients with Diabetic Macular Oedema
- Intracellular Cytokine Production in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes: A Comparison of Values in Infertile and Fertile Women
- Improvement of Hypertension after Parathyroidectomy of Patients Suffering from Primary Hyperparathyroidism
- Kyselina nikotinová plus laropiprant
- Lipolýza a produkce oxidu dusnatého indukovaná beta3 agonisty: Vztah k PPARgamma receptoru a AMPK
- Influence of HDL cholesterol
- Mercury poisoning after cleansing of carpet from dustbins
- Otrava thaliem v sebevražedném úmyslu
- Orofacial granulomatosis associated with hypersensitivity to dental amalgam
- Oxidative Stress Markers in Exhaled Breath Condensate in Lung Fibroses Are Not Significantly Affected by Systemic Diseases
- Late diabetes complications
- Occupational diseases reported in the Czech Republic in 2010
- Procalcitonin (PCT) interference in an immunometric calcitonin assay
- Profesionální bronchiální astma a alergické rinitidy v České republice v letech 1996-2010
- Použití izolovaných hepatocytů potkana pro krátkodobý laboratorní bioreaktor.
- Stress load in the physicians in the specialisation of assessment medicine
- Trends in the exposures to pesticides in Central Europe
- Use and Accidental Exposure to Hallucinogenic Agents Reported to the Czech Toxicological Information Centre From 1995 to 2008
- Advanced glycation end products in myocardial reperfusion injury
- Acute Hyperglycemia Does Not Impair Microvascular Reactivity and Endothelial Function during Hyperinsulinemic Isoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Clamp in Type 1 Diabetic Patients
- Analysis of Medication Errors of Health Care Providers on the Basis of Data from the Czech Toxicological Information Centre over an 11-Year Period (2000-2010)
- CD36-deficient congenic strains show improved glucose tolerance and distinct shifts in metabolic and transcriptomic profiles
- Několik poznámek k laboratornímu vyšetřování antifosfolipidových protilátek
- Characteristics of blood pressure in pheochromocytoma
- Detakce preklinické aterosklerózy
- Heritability and Tissue Specificity of Expression Quantitative Trait Loci
- Genetic relationship between placental and fetal weights and markers of the metabolic syndrome in rat recombinant inbred strains
- Novel Anti-Carbohydrate Autoantibodies in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Are They Useful for Clinical Practice?
- Leptinaemia and Antiendothelial Antibodies in Accelerated Atherosclerosis - Is There a Relationship?
- Relationship of anti-vimentin antibodies to anti-endothelial antibodies
- Transient ischemic dilation ratio (TID) correlates with HbA1c in patients with diabetes type 2 with proven myocardial ischemia according to exercise myocardial SPECT
- Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytoma
- Biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with endocrine and essential hypertension
- Growth hormone and bone
- Male osteoporosis
- The Influence of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and very low calorie diet during a short-term weight reducing regimen on weight loss and serum fatty acid composition in severely obese women
- Kombinace - perspektiva terapie DLP
- The inverse association of elevated serum bilirubin levels with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis
- Increased arterial wall stiffness in primary aldosteronism in comparison with essential hypertension
- Kardiovaskulární postižení u intoxikace 2,3,7,8-tetrachlórdibenzo-p-dioxinem (TCDD)
- Profesionální nádorová onemocnění hlášená v České republice v letech 1991-2004, trendy vývoje
- Nejčastější profesionální nádorová onemocnění hlášená v České republice v letech 1991-2004, rozdělení podle nox, diagnóz, profesí, věku a expozice
- Profesionální intoxikace v České republice, minulost a budoucnost (1)
- Profesionální onemocnění hlášená v České republice v roce 2005 (2)
- Rozbor výskytu profesionálních onemocnění