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| - V pracovní dny od 8.30 do 14.30 hodin, dne 4. června do 12.00 hodin
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| - a) Fulfil of the conditions and criterions of the public competition in the search and development;b) Need of the project;c) Utilization of the project result;d) Practicability and realization of the projekt (en)
- Návrhy projektů, které splní podmínky a náležitosti uvedené v části 1.4., písm. a) %22Splnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů%22, budou předloženy odbornému poradnímu orgánu poskytovatele.Poskytovatel zhodnotí zejména: a) Splnění podmínek a kritérií veřejné soutěže ve výzkumu a vývoji b) Potřebnost projektu c) Využitelnost výsledku projektu d) Proveditelnost a realizace projektu The project proposals which fulfil the conditions and other proprietis named in the part 1.4., letter a) will be introduce to experts advisory organ of the Ministry of Agriculture which evaluate namely: (cs)
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| - Business bulletin (en)
- Obchodní věstník (cs)
| - Všechny návrhy projektů doručené Ministerstvu zemědělství (NAZV) do doby uzávěrky budou posouzeny z hlediska splnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů. Splnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů vyhodnotí komise pro přijímání návrhů projektů jmenovaná poskytovatelem. O přijetí návrhu projektu do veřejné soutěže ve výzkumu a vývoji rozhodne poskytovatel - Ministerstvo zemědělství. Za nesplnění podmínek pro přijetí návrhů projektů (formální náležitosti) se považuje: - předložení neúplného nebo chybně vyplněného návrhu projektu, - použití jiné než platné verze softwarové přihlášky, - neprokázání způsobilosti uchazeče v souladu s částí 1.3., oddílu 1.3.1., písm. a) až f), - pozdní doručení návrhu nebo doručení návrhu na jiné než určené místo, - nesplnění dalších podmínek uvedených v části 1.5. (cs)
- All project proposals delivered to the Ministry of Agriculture before deadline will be judged from point of view realizing of the conditions for the receipting of the project proposals. The fulfilment of the conditions for receipt of the project proposals will avaluate the Commission for project proposals receiption, which is named by afford-man. About the proposal acception in the public competition in the search and developmant will decide the afford-man - the Ministry of Agriculture. For not keeping of the conditions for receiving of the project proposals are meaning: submit incomplete or with mistake fulfil project proposal , using of software application in other theversion%22nonproved ability of the competitor in accordance with the part 1.3., section 1.3.1., letter a) till f),the later delivering of the proposal or delivering on the other then determinate place, not keeping other conditions named in part 1.5%22 (en)
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| - National Agency for Agricultural Research - written form, internet (en)
- Národní agentura pro zemědělský výzkum - písemnou formou , internet (cs)
| - SW přihlášky+výtisk (cs)
- Software application + copy (en)
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| - Business bulletin (en)
- Obchodní věstník (cs)
of | - Analysis of Fusarium head blight pathogens of wheat in the Czech Republic, specification of effects of infection on hygienic quality of grain and introduction of differential control of the disease
- Quality and safety factors and their relationship with cereal quality parameters
- Analysis of risk of mycotoxin contamination in cereals based on the study of critical factors using spectral, molecular and immunological diagnostic methods and prediction of Fusarium head blight infection
- Complex system for prevention, identification, inventory, classification, analysis and evaluation of game damage at forestry and agriculture.
- The root system and decline of Norway spruce forest stands (Picea abies /L./ Karst.)
- Climate change impacts on the growth and development of the selected field crops
- Alternative (non-GMO) biotechnological approaches for resistance improvement to fungal pathogens in legume crops.
- Research and innovation of diagnostic procedures for economically significant, controlled and quarantine plant pathogenic organisms for the certification program of fruit trees with emphasis on molecular methods
- Study of the methods for production of biofuel from animal fat.
- Use of reproductive potentials of topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) as a food fish in zander (Sander lucioperca) fry culture
- Minor crops for specific food utilization
- Dynamics of conversion of wooded agricultural lands soil conditions towards a restoration of forest soil conditions.
- Processing of cadavers and other wastes by a biogas process
- Research on the quality of soil organic matter in arable soils in the Czech Republic.
- Study on resistance of wheat (Triticum aestivum) to BYDV.
- Innovation of systems of integrated protection of cereals against pest organisms with regard to environmental consequences and maintenance of quality of the products
- Molecular hybridization for the detection of economically important viruses on grapevine.
- Development and testing of alternative methods aimed at protection of the vegetable from phytophagous nematodes in the terms of the Czech Republic
- Automated classification of colour aerial photographs using eCognition Professional 4.0 software
- The possibilities of reduction of pesticide use within oilseeds crop management.
- Exploitation Strategy of Social and Human Capital during Countryside Revival in the Vysočina Region.
- Conditions of the human and social capital development in rural territory after the Czech Republic join to the European Union
- Harmonization of instruments of Common Agriculture Policy with specific conditions of czech agriculture, leading to the increase in competitiveness and sustainable development
- The use of molecular genetics methods to improve production traits in pigs.
- Alternative methods for monitoring of the food authenticity
- Farming on soil in mountain and sub-mountain regions with regard to the soil production and anti-erosion protection.
- Study of utilization possibilities of herbs products in animal nutrition.
- The selection and regionalization of suitable catch crops, their utilization for reduction of risk of nitrate leaching.
- Implementation of EUREP GAP requirements into agricultural practice in to Czech Rpublic.
- New technological processes in organic agriculture on arable land to acquire quality available for food and feed processing.
- Reproductive biotechniques in pigs
- Potato late blight control according to varietal susceptibility to disease based on new knowledge of pathogen epidemiology with regard to environment, economical aspects of control and production quality.
- Prevention of penetration of toxic phthalic acid esters into feeds, products and foods.
- Utilization of selected lupin varieties in nutrition of farm animals.
- Restoration of forest environment at reforestation of non-forest and degraded forest sites
- Decontamination of soils loaded by risky elements - determination of phytoextraction efficiency of plants in a crop rotation
- Douglas fir - the most important introduced species in multifunctional and sustainable forest management