Attributes | Values |
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| - V pracovní dny v době od 8:30 do 16:00 hodin.
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| - Vědecká hodnota projektu, závažnost jeho cílů, originalita a koncepce řešení, odborné předpoklady budoucího řešitele a jeho týmu dosáhnout úspěchu při řešení projektu s ohledem na jejich dosavadní vědecké výsledky a přiměřenost požadované dotace vzhledem ke stanoveným cílům. (cs)
- The scientific value and originality of the project, the capability of the applicant and his/her team to be successful in developing the project (the quality of prior work), the adequacy of financial requirements and the effectiveness of the project. (en)
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| - Obchodní věstník 13/2004 (en)
- Obchodní věstník 13/2004 (cs)
| - Práce na projektu je nutné plánovat od počátku roku 2005 a rozvrhnout na dobu 2 - 5 let v celých kalendářních rocích. Uchazeči musí prokázat způsobilost a odborné předpoklady k řešení navrhovaného projektu. Podrobné informace o podmínkách veřejné soutěže a zpracování návrhu grantového projektu jsou uvedeny v zadávací dokumentaci. GA AV má právo odmítnout návrh projektu, který nesplňuje podmínky soutěže, uvádí nesprávné či neúplné údaje nebo jeho obsah či forma neodpovídá stanoveným požadavkům. (cs)
- The activities of the project must be scheduled from 1 January of the year 2005 and planned for a period of 2-5 years. Demonstration of scientific competence and licenses to perform activities proposed must be attached. All necessary information on the program and requirements for submission can be found in the extended description of the program. GA AV reserves the right to reject any application that does not meet the conditions of the grant contest, that gives incorrect or incomplete data or its content or form does not correspond to the stipulated requirements. (en)
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| - Po ukončení veřejné soutěže ve výzkumu a vývoji a schválení výsledků bude seznam přijatých grantových projektů zveřejněn na internetových stránkách GA AV. (cs)
- After the public contest has been completed and its results sanctioned, the list of the grant supported projects will be published on the Internet website of the GA AV. (en)
| - Poštou nebo osobně, ve stanoveném termínu, na příslušných formulářích a v počtu výtisků stanovených zadávací dokumentací; vždy musí být předložen neméně jeden úplný soubor listů opatřený předepsanými podpisy a razítky v originále. (cs)
- Via post or in person, within a designated period, on specified forms and in a given number set of folios; at least one complete set must be signed in the original by the (co-)applicants and statutory representatives of the organizations. (en)
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| - Obchodní věstník 13/2004 (en)
- Obchodní věstník 13/2004 (cs)
of | - Specific evolution trends in the period between Late Antique and Middle Age in the Middle Danube region
- Anisotropy in complex 5f-element based materials:experiment and theory
- Medieval urbanization of Czech countries and its reflection in archaeological sources - the example of wider region of Brno
- Effect of edge plasma turbulence in tokamaks on the particle transport
- Sinusoidal foraging and the role of fish in resorvoirs
- Behavioral and genetic study of prezygotic isolation barriers in the house mouse hybrid zone
- Czech Etymology in European Context
- dynamics of excited molecular systems
- Carboniferous fructifications and their spores from the Upper Silesian Basin (Namurian-Westphalia D), Czech Republic and Poland
- Mathematical foundation of inference and decision under uncertainty
- Allosteric modulation of nicotinic receptors
- Precision of the optical frequency of lasers stabilized on saturated absorption in iodine
- Phylogenetic interrelations of the fish family Cobitidae: a multi-disciplinary approach including molecular gnetics, morphology and cytogenetics
- Mathematical modelling of motion of bodies in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and related mathematical problems
- New methods of three-dimensional analysis of anatomical structure of Norway spruce needles using stereology, image analysis ant two-photon microscopy
- Microwave spectroscopy of nitrogen and halogen atmospheric components with significant hyperfine structure of rotational levels
- Mechanisms maintaining hormonal homeostasis in plant cells
- Speciations analysis by hydride generation atomic fluorescence and atomic absorption spectrometry
- Diffractive-refractive x-ray optics for soft x-rays
- Electronic charge densities, core levels and mechanical properties of tetrahedrally bonded materials
- X-ray holography with atomic resolution
- Spatial statistics of 3D confocal images of capillary network
- The structure of Banach spaces
- Bifurcations and dependence on parameters for variational inequalitites with interpretations in natural sciences
- Measure algebras
- Solvable models of nanosystems
- Environment-responsive nanoparticles
- The scaling role of damage inhomogeneity in brittle fracture
- Flow behaviour of dense non-homogeneous slurries
- Biomechanical Analysis of micromotions and loosening of cemented acetabular
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of the system beam+string
- Temperature control of a bluff body wake
- Large-csale dynamics of solar convection
- Radiation processes near compact objects: timing and polarimetry studies
- Finite-extent earthquake source from higher-degree moment tensors: its resolution with uncertain crust-mantle model
- Soil cover of the protected areas of Prague as an indicator of environmental changes
- The erosional, accumulative and postdepositional processes in flood plain after great flood of August 2002
- Dynamic structures in the ionosphere
- Are persistence and time-scales of atmospheric circulation in European midlatitudes changing?
- Monitoring of Recent Crustal Movements of the Eastern Part of the Bohemian Massif using GSP
- Organic matter dispersed in rocks - objective characterization, relation to natural and anthropogenic processes
- Calixarene-based multivalent glyco-druge - design, structure, biological (antitumor and antiviral) activity
- An electric focusing preconcentration and in-time monitoring of element composition of air aerosols by atomic emission spectroscopy
- Systems of microfluidics and mass spectrometry for differential proteomic and metabolomic analysis of industrially important microorganisms
- Coupling of diffusion flows in porous membranes and catalysts as studied by permeation and NMR techniques
- Unimolecular reaction kinetics of the gas phase radicals
- Solvent relaxtion in phospholipid bilayers: physical understanding and biophysical applications
- Redox reactions of free radicals, reactivity in presence of host molecules
- Spectroscopic study of molecular self-ordering in conducting polymers
- New multifunctional self-assembled nanocomposite materials
- Nanobiotechnology for creation of interfaces between biological media and artifical entites
- Accurate calculations of stabilization energies of stacking and hydrogen bonding: nucleic acid bases and proteins
- Density and Statistical Properties of Molecular Levels
- Wild type and mutant p53 tumor suppressor protein. Intermolecular interactions, changes in conformation and new micro-methods of their analysis
- Natural and domesticated yeast strains: Different strategies of their behaviour
- Immune recognition and cell signaling in cancer modulation by bylcoconjugates
- Hyperthermia and anticancer immunomodulation: morpho-functional study of microenvironmental interactions in melanoma model
- Evolution of metabolic pathways in complex plastid of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
- The role of PML in cellular senescence
- Telomerase-independent mechanismus of telomere synthesis and loss
- Synecological association of insect herbivorous and parasitoid guilds of peat bog paleorefugia
- Evolution of secondary metabolism in actinomycetes: exploitation of genetic variability
- Patterns of isotopic composition of plant organs - a marker of photosynthetic activity, environmental conditions and leaf anatomy
- Self-control of intersexual and isosexual aggression in adolescence as a function of interiorization of values: Postmodern form of the problem