Due to the gradual growth of milk cows´ efficiency and reduction of milk production, the number of milk breeds is going down. Therefore, the area for breeding of beef cattle is opening, mainly for the system of suckling beef cows. The spread of this type of breeding requires not to miss out the influence of breeding conditions on the animal organism to ensure good health, optimal efficiency expressed by the growth ability and subsequently production of high-quality animal products. To create optimal conditions which would correspond with actual needs of particular animals, the knowledge of as many indicators of internal environment, which reflect these influences, is essential. The purpose of the project is to define parameters of internal environment for particular categories of Aberdeen Angus cattle bred in the system of suckling beef cows during ontogenesis. (en)
Cílem je definovat parametry vnitřního prostředí masných plemen skotu a výsledky využít jako podklad pro optimalizaci fyziologických funkcí umožňující požadovanou užitkovost a posouzení zdravotního stavu chovaných zvířat.
The project proceeded in accord with the approved methodology. The theoretical results obtained characterising the inner environment of meat breeds of cattle could subsequently be used when improving the conditions for their rearing. (en)
Řešení probíhalo v souladu se schválenou metodikou. Získané teoretické výsledky charakterizující vnitřní prostředí masných plemen skotu mohou být následně využity při zlepšování podmínek jejich chovu. (cs)