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| - Research will concentrate on the following topics investigated in the institutes involved: 1. Design of microorganisms producing biologically active compounds, biotransformation to obtain new compounds, biodegradation of pollutants 2. Study of microbial ecosystem and microbial interactions in the animal digestive tract 3. Induced gametic, somatic and haploid zygotic embryogenesis in selected cereals, utilization of transgenosis for plant improvement, reaction of plants to stress factors, regulatory mechanisms of cell cycle 4. Activity of photosynthetic processes as related with outer conditions and its variability within a single plant 5. Molecular mechanisms of cell membrane - nucleus signal transduction, identification of new signal molecules and the role of cytoskeleton in signal transduction, role of cytokines in the regulation of immune response and role of glycoconjugates in ontogeny and in the origin of pathological conditions. (en)
- Výzkum se soustředí na následující témata studovaná na zúčastněných pracovištích: 1. Příprava mikroorganizmů produkujících biologicky aktivní látky, biotransformace s cílem získat látky nové, biotransformace a biodegradace polutantů 2. Studium mikrobních ekosystémů a interakcí v trávicím traktu živočichů 3. Indukovaná gametická, somatická a haploidní zygotická embryogeneze u vybraných obilnin, využití trangenoze ke zvyšování kvality rostlin, reakce rostlin na stresové faktory, mechanizmy regulace buněčného cyklu 4. Aktivita fotosyntetických dějů v závislosti na vnějších podmínkách a variabilita těchto dějů v rámci jedné rostliny 5. Molekulární mechanizmy přenosu signálu z membrány do jádra savčí buňky, identifikace nových signálních molekul a úloha cytoskeletu v přenosu signálu, úloha cytokinů v regulaci imunitní odpovědi, úloha glykokonjugátů v ontogeneze a při vzniku patologických stavů.
| - Molecular basis of biological transformations, communications and technologies (en)
- Molekulární základy biologických transformací, komunikací a technologií
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| - microbiology;genetics;molecular biology;antibiotics;immunomodulators;cell cycle;melatonin in plants;photosynthesis;cytosceleton;transgenic animals (en)
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| - Byly připraveny kmeny bakterií a hub s novými biologickými aktivitami. Byly připraveny nové deriváty cytokininů, které inhibují buněčné dělení. Bylo zjištěno, že receptorová signalizace se uplatňuje v regulaci aktivity buněk imunitního systému. (cs)
- Strains of bacteria and fungi with new biological activities were designed. New derivatives of cytokinins inhibiting cell division were prepared. It was found that receptor signalling is involved in the regulation of cells of the immune system. (en)
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| - antibiotics
- microbiology
- cell cycle
- genetics
- molecular biology
- photosynthesis
- immunomodulators
- cytosceleton
- melatonin in plants
of | - Differences in structure of adventitious roots in Salix clones with contrasting characteristics of cadmium accumulation and sensitivity
- Sodium butyrate-mediated differentiation of colorectal cancer cells: regulation of PKC-betaII by PI3-kinase
- Characterization of human seminal plasma proteins homologous to boar AQN spermadhesins
- Transformation by oncogenic RAS sensitizes human colon cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by up-regulating death receptor 4 and death receptor 5 through a MEK-dependent pathway
- Response of HT115, a highly invasive human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line, to sodium butyrate treatment and glucose deprivation
- The activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase in rejected skin xenografts is selectively inhibited by a factor produced by grafted cells
- First attempt on identification of phytoplasma associated with full blossom of red and white currant in the Czech Republic.
- Enrichment of bifidobacteria in the hen caeca by dietary inulin.
- Mouse bioassay to assess oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic compounds: Hydroxytamoxifen, Diethylstilbestrol and Genistein
- Regulation of metabolic pathways PVY-RNA biosynthesis in tobacco: host´s RNA degradation
- Corneal rat-to-mouse xenotransplantation and the effects of anti-CD4 or anti CD8 treatment on cytokine and nitric oxide production
- Distinct localization of a beta-tubulin epitope in the Tetrahymena thermophila and Paramecium caudatum cortex
- Influence of dietary fat source and copper supplementation on broiler performance, fatty acid profile of meat and depot fat, and on cholesterol content in meat
- Pregastric and postgastric digestion in hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
- N/A
- Anatomical and Histochemical Changes of Norway Spruce Buds Induced by Simulated Acid Rain.
- Antibacterial effect of fatty acids on Escherichia coli.
- Activity of pectin-degrading enzymes in rabbit caecal strains of Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, and in rumen bacterium Streptococus bovis.
- Digestibility of phytate phosphorus in broiler chickens determined by isotachophoretic method.
- Concentration of copper in muscles, liver, hair and feaces of growing rabbits fed diet supplemented with copper sulphate.
- Fermentation of pectin and glucose, and activity of pectin-degrading enzymes in the rabbit caecal bacterium Bifidobacterium pseudolongum.
- Nitrogen and in vitro fermentation of nitrogenous substrates in caecal contents of the pig.
- Norethindrone acetate and testosterone interactions in mammary gland, uterus and seminal vesicles of mice.
- Rabbit caecal pectinolytic and hemicellulolytic bacteria.
- Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis-85.
- Effects of caprylic acid on performance and mortality of growing rabbits
- Effect of copper sulphate supplementation on performance of broiler chickens, cholesterol content and fatty acid profile of meat.
- Effect of caprylic, capric and oleic acid on growth of rumen and rabbit caecal bacteria.
- In vitro effects of bacitracin and monensin on ovine rumen fermentatium.
- Performance and oocyst shedding in broiler chickens orally infected with Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium meleagridis.
- Concentration of phytic acid in faeces of calves fed starter diets
- Detection and estrogenicity by bioassay on the mouse mammary gland in vivo.
- Effect of feeding supplemental copper on performance, fatty acid profile and on cholesterol contents and oxidative stability of meat of rabbits.
- Isolation and characterization of rabbit caecal pectinolytic bacteria.
- Sensitivity and specificity of the bioassay of estrogenicity in mammary gland and seminal vesicles of male mice.
- Sensitivity and Specificity of Bioassay of Estrogenicity on Mammary Gland and Uterus of Female Mice.
- Bioassay of steroid hormone agonist and antagonist activities of antiandrogens on mammary gland, seminal vesicles and spleen of male mice.
- Characterization of antioxidant compounds in Jaffa sweeties and white grapefruits
- Classical and molecular approaches as a powerful tool for the characterization of rumen polycentric fungi
- Characterization of the clones derived from the HT29 colorectal cancer cell line
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