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| - We aim to form a strong team of PhD students and their supervisors investigating the ecological and evolutionary relationships among plants, insects and vertebrates. The main goal is to integrate the PhD research in areas that are often separated in various PhD programs. In particular, we aim to integrate: (1) the population, the community and the macroecology levels of the research; (2) the study of vegetation, insects and vertebrates; (3) the study of temperate and tropical ecosystems; (4) the ecological and evolutionary approaches; (5) the observational and experimental approaches, (6) the basic ecological research and its application in nature conservation, and (7) the empirical approaches with modelling and theory, taking advantage of the modern tools of data analysis. The co-operation of PhD students of various specialisations should broaden their understanding of mechanisms behind functioning of ecological systems. Our ultimate goal is to form a team with publication output comparable with the PhD students' teams in world leading laboratories. (en)
- Cílem projektu je podpořit existenci doktorandského týmu tří spolupracujících institucí, který tvůrčím způsobem spojuje populačně ekologický a evoluční výzkum. Cílem je vytvořit tým srovnatelný svými publikačními výstupy s nejlepšími světovými týmy PhD-studentů zaměřenými na ekologii a evoluci.
| - Plants, insects and vertebrates: integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions (en)
- Rostliny, hmyz a obratlovci: integrované studium ekologických a evolučních interakcí
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| - populace; společenstvo; fylogeneze; tropy; biodiverzita (en)
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| - The project gone according to plan both in terms of expertise and in terms of disbursement of funds. (en)
- Řešení projektu proběhlo podle plánu jak z hlediska odborného tak i z hlediska čerpání finančních prostředků. (cs)
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| - fylogeneze
- společenstvo
- tropy
- populace
of | - Long-term trends in the composition of aphidophagous coccinellid communities in Central Europe
- Timed surveys and transect walks as comparable methods for monitoring butterflies in small plots
- Being angry, singing fast? Signalling of aggressive motivation by syllable rate in a songbird with slow song
- Cystomastacoides van Achterberg (Braconidae, Rogadinae): first host record and descriptions of three new species from Thailand and Papua New Guinea
- Plant density affects measures of biodiversity effects
- What constitutes optical warning signals of ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) towards bird predators: colour, pattern or general look?
- Experimental suppression of ants foraging on rainforest vegetation in New Guinea: testing methods for a whole-forest manipulation of insect communities
- Elevational gradients in phylogenetic structure of ant communities reveal the interplay of biotic and abiotic constraints on diversity
- Molecular detection of trophic links in a complex insect host–parasitoid food web
- The role of heterotrophic carbon acquisition by the hemiparasitic plant Rhinanthus alectorolophus in seedling establishment in natural communities: a physiological perspective
- Stone quarries
- Spoil heaps
- A new genus and three new species of parasitoid wasp from Papua New Guinea and redescription of Trigonophatnus Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae)
- Adventitious sprouting enables the invasive annual herb Euphorbia geniculata to regenerate after severe injury
- Bezobratlí postindustriálních stanovišť - shrnutí
- Interactions between Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) and leopard (Panthera pardus): implications for their conservation
- Woodland and grassland mosaic from a butterfly perspective: habitat use by Erebia aethiops (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)
- Cushions of Thylacospermum caespitosum (Caryophyllaceae) do not facilitate other plants under extreme altitude and dry conditions in the north-west Himalayas
- Compensatory growth of Euphorbia peplus regenerating from a bud bank
- Mining and post-industrial sites - Introduction
- DNA barcoding and the taxonomy of Microgastrinae wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae): impacts after 8years and nearly 20000 sequences
- Plant traits and regeneration of urban plant communities after disturbance: Does the bud bank play any role?
- Newly emerged Batesian mimicry protects only unfamiliar prey
- Variation in the Melampyrum sylvaticum group in the Carpathian and Hercynian region: two lineages with different evolutionary histories
- Guild-specific patterns of species richness and host specialization in plant-herbivore food webs from a tropical forest
- Occurrence of adventitious sprouting in short-lived monocarpic herbs: a field study of 22 weedy species
- The role of size and colour pattern in protection of developmental stages of the red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) against avian predators
- Modelling the Population Dynamics of Root Hemiparasitic Plants Along a Productivity Gradient
- Species pool size and realized species richness affect productivity differently: A modeling study
- Phylogeny, Life History Evolution and Biogeography of the Rhinanthoid Orobanchaceae
- Distribution of clonal growth forms in wetlands
- Reiteration in the short lived root-sprouting herb Rorippa palustris: does the origin of buds matter?
- Population genetics of ecological communities with DNA barcodes: An example from New Guinea Lepidoptera
- The impact of cutting, liming and fertilizing on characteristics of abandoned upland meadows in the Czech Republic
- Dispersal of four fritillary butterflies within identical landscape
- Forest eternal? Endemic butterflies of the Bamenda highlands, Cameroon, avoid close-canopy forest
- Odkaliště
- The importance of organic carbon transfer
- Bird abundances in primary and secondary growths in Papua New Guinea: a preliminary assessment
- Životní strategie bakterií ve vysokohorských půdách Himálaje
- Butterflies
- Human disturbance is a major determinant of wildlife distribution in Himalayan midhill landscapes of Nepal
- Habitat heterogeneity as the key determinant of the abundance and habitat preference of prey species of tiger in the Chitwan National Park, Nepal
- Pavouci
- Red-backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) adjust the mobbing intensity, but not mobbing frequency, by assessing the potential threat to themselves from different predators
- Ultrastructure of hydathode trichomes of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus and Odontites vernus: how important is their role in physiology and evolution of parasitism in Orobanchaceae?
- Testing the Stress-Gradient Hypothesis at the Roof of the World: Effects of the Cushion Plant Thylacospermum caespitosum on Species Assemblages
- Diurnal behavior and habitat preferences of Erebia aethiops, an aberrant lowland species of a mountain butterfly clade
- Do biodiversity indices behave as expected from traits of constituent species in simulated scenarios?
- Distribution of clonal growth traits among wetland habitats
- Colastomion Baker (Braconidae, Rogadinae): nine new species from Papua New Guinea reared from Crambidae
- The communicative significance of song frequency and song length in territorial chiffchaffs
- Distribution pattern of the threatened Himalayan serow (Capricornis thar) in western midhills of Nepal: An insight for conservation along an altitudinal gradient
- Diversification of mowing regime increases arthropods diversity in species-poor cultural hay meadows
- Insects on Plants: Explaining the Paradox of Low Diversity within Specialist Herbivore Guilds
- Two groups of epigeic arthropods differ in colonising of piedmont quarries: the necessity of multi-taxa and life-history traits approaches in the monitoring studies
- Sphragis in Parnassius mnemosyne (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): male-derived insemination plugs loose efficiency with progress of female flight