| - Current state of designing is being limited by stereotypes in engineering activities. It is necessary to integrate knowledge and progress when developing new materials and biomaterials, advanced technologies, computational modeling, measurement techniques, and mechatronics. By such a way, there is possible to achieve essentially higher parameters of efficiency and utility with mechanical structures. The project objectives are: i) to create an inter-university research team that will analyze, based on inter-disciplinary theses, bio-analogies in mechanical systems; ii) to design smart structures of quite new parameters by applying results achieved; iii) to apply micro- and nano-technologies. For these aims, there will be utilized: i) composite materials of ultra-high stiffness and strength (in combination with nano-particles in their matrix); ii) new bio-tolerant composites; iii) integrated sensors, both electric and optic, and also active elements (piezo-actuators, shape memory alloys); iv) mechatronic control systems. Further, mathematical models of computational simulating and dimensioning of such structures, and control and monitoring systems, will be designed. This will enable to design structures of quite new principles and parameters, with a considerable material saving. (en)
- Cílem je vytvořit tým 20 studentů ČVUT a ZČU, který by měl efektivní vzdělávací program. V rámci disertačních prací by vytvářel nové mechanické systémy z prvků chytrých kompozitních materiálů a inteligentních konstrukcí s mechatronickými prvky řízení dynamické odezvy a monitorování jejich poškození.