Command and control systems used in the Army of the Czech Republic and in branches of rescue systems use spatial data and information more and more. Spatial data are collected from various sources and using various technologies. It results into position and thematic properties in homogeneity. In spite of this situation data are stored and used in a common spatial database or they are used for various kinds of spatial analyses. Obtained information can be applied in a decision making process and its precision and reliability has an influence over final solution. The goal of this project is a proposal of a method focused on data and spatial information precision and reliability evaluation. Statistic methods, fuzzy logic and probability are assumed to be used. The resulting characteristics of data reliability will be applied in a command and control system in terms of a pilot project. The proposal methods will contribute into increasing of quality of decision making process. (en)
Stanovení norem hodnocení kvality digitálních prostorových dat. Návrh metody hodnocení přesnosti a spolehlivost dat. Návrh způsobu implementace metody do systému. Návrh způsobu vizualizace vypočítaných charakteristik.