In case of accidental irradiation of a human body (irradiation accidents, inappropriate manipulation with radioactive waste, terroristic attack) the medical personnel have to cope with the fundamental task to determine the received dose of ionizing radiation in the most accurate and rapid way. Based on such analysis an appropriate treatment of irradiation disease must begin immediately. Current biodosimetric methods are time-consuming and thus do not fulfill the main task - to begin the treatment as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hr after exposure. In the attempt to provide a faster tool for an irradiation-associated body damage estimate we propose to use multiparametric flow cytometry and microarray analysis of blood lymphocytes cultivated for a defined time interval upon irradiation, which would allow for the received dose estimate by determination of apoptosis progression or changes in protein expression in lymphocyte subsets with different radiosensitivity. (en)
Cílem projektu je prohloubit a revidovat současné metody zpětného odečtu obdržené dávky ionizujícího záření pomocí imunofenotypizace krevních leukocytů a vypracovat nové postupy vhodné k rychlé a přesné biodozimetrické diagnostice.
The research plan solved the important issue biodosimetry The results are entirely original knowledge, which were published in the international scientific journals. (en)
Projekt řešil významnou problematiku v oblasti biodozimetrie a probíhal v souladu se zadáním. Výsledkem jsou zcela původní poznatky, které byly publikovány v mezinárodních odborných časopisech. (cs)