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| - High mountains are among regions sustaining the highest recorded and predicted temperature increases. However, there is surprisingly little direct evidence for the expected upward migration of plants. Even less is known about the effect of factors potentially enhancing or hindering these changes. Our aim is to assess the upward migration of plants in the sub-nival belt of the dry Himalayas, where climatic changes may have catastrophic consequences for plants, as well as local people, due to diminished water availability from glaciers and snow reservoirs. Along an elevation gradient, we will investigate upward migration of plants, the role of seed and habitat limitation, and the effect of plant interactions and plant ecophysiology at shaping populations and communities. Using isotope fractionation and vapour pressure deficit, the direct impact of limited water availability on sub-nival plants at lower elevations and recurring soil freezing at highest elevations will be estimated. (en)
- Ve vysokých horách, kde je současné zvyšování teplot největší, se oteplení klimatu projevuje migrací rostlin do vyšších nadmořských výšek. Přímých důkazů takových změn je ale překvapivě málo. Ještě méně se ví o faktorech, které tyto buď urychlují nebo zpomalují. Naším záměrem je zjistit, zda takové migrace probíhají v subniválním stupni suchých Himalájí, kde by mohlo mít oteplení katastrofické důsledky nejen pro rostliny, ale i pro místní obyvatelstvo, protože množství vody uložené v zásobnících ledovců a sněhu je nedostatečné. Pokusíme získat spolehlivá data o migraci rostlin podél výškového gradientu, o významu limitace dostupností semen a prostředím, a o interakcích mezi rostlinami. S použitím frakcionace isotopů a hodnot deficitu výparného tlaku bude hodnocen vliv omezené dostupnosti vody v půdě jak v relativně nižších polohách, kde půda vysychá, tak v extrémních nadmořských výškách, kde může být voda v půdě nedostupná díky každodennímu vymrzání.
| - Upward migration of sub-nival plants in E Ladakh: the role of plant traits and interactions under climate warming (en)
- Migrace rostlin do subniválních poloh: úloha rostlinných vlastností a interakcí v oteplujícím se klimatu
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| - climate warming; sub-nival plants; migration; seed limitation; habitat limitation; plant interactions; isotopes (en)
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| - Projekt výrazně rozšířil naše znalosti o diverzitě, ekologii a ekofyziologii vysokohorských rostlin, jejich distribučních posunech v důsledku klimatických změn, diverzitě půdních sinic a řas, a specifických rostlinných adaptacích na nepříznivé podmínky. (cs)
- The project substantially extended our knowledge about diversity and ecophysiology of high-altitude plants, their ongoing distribution shifts, clonal growth form composition, soil cyanobacterial and microalgal diversity, and specific plant adaptation. (en)
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| - climate warming
- habitat limitation
- migration
- plant interactions
- seed limitation
- sub-nival plants
of | - Environmental correlates of plant diversity in Korean temperate forests
- Are clonal plants more frequent in cold environments than elsewhere?
- Evolutionary and organismic constraints on the relationship between spacer length and environmental conditions in clonal plants
- Altitudinal changes in the growth and allometry of Rumex alpinus
- Cushions of Thylacospermum caespitosum (Caryophyllaceae) do not facilitate other plants under extreme altitude and dry conditions in the north-west Himalayas
- Clonal Growth Forms in Eastern Ladakh, Western Himalayas: Classification and Habitat Preferences
- Long-term functioning of a species-rich mountain meadow under different management regimes
- Spatial pattern affects diversityeproductivity relationships in experimental meadow communities
- Oak decline in southern Moravia: the association between climate change and early and late wood formation in oaks
- Climatic factors affecting radial growth of Betula ermanii and Betula platypylla in Kamchatka
- Soil Cyanobacterial and Microalgal Diversity in Dry Mountains of Ladakh, NW Himalaya, as Related to Site, Altitude, and Vegetation.
- Vegetation types of East Ladakh: species and growth form composition along main environmental gradients
- Životní strategie bakterií ve vysokohorských půdách Himálaje
- Plant Nutrient Content Does Not Simply Increase with Elevation under the Extreme Environmental Conditions of Ladakh, NW Himalaya
- Testing the Stress-Gradient Hypothesis at the Roof of the World: Effects of the Cushion Plant Thylacospermum caespitosum on Species Assemblages
- Clonal growth forms in Arctic plants and their habitat preferences: a study from Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen
- Communities of different plant diversity respond similarly to drought stress: experimental evidence from field non-weeded and greenhouse conditions
- Primary succession following deglaciation at Koryto Glacier Valley, Kamchatka
- Draba alshehbazii (Brassicaceae), a new species from extreme altitudes of eastern Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
- Effects of dwarf-bamboo understory on tree seedling emergence and survival in a mixed-oak forest in northern Japan: a multi-site experimental study
- An experimental assessment of the upper elevational limit of flowering plants in the western Himalaya
- Plant clonal traits, coexistence and turnover in East Ladakh, Trans-Himalaya
- Quantifying the relevance of intraspecific trait variability for functional diversity
- How to Preserve Plant Samples for Carbohydrate Analysis? Test of Suitable Methods Applicable in Remote Areas
- Vegetation succession on river sediments along the Nakdong River, South Korea
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