The project aims to study spiritual and historical traditions in Russian culture and their contemporary context. It fulfills the need of a broader perception of Russian culture. The project will focus on the formation of the character of spiritual, religious and national conceptions in the Muscovite era, on their mutual relations, modifications and their relevancy for the present. In the research, we will emphasize the concepts that have influenced cultural and spiritual development of Russia and formed Russian historical sense as well as the picture of Russia abroad. The research will try to focus on the concepts which have a strong persistence in the Russian environment. These concepts show continuity within Russian cultural history regardless of the discontinuity in the area. The material will be related to other components of Russian culture (literature, art, folklore) and it will serve as a foundation for future discussion about the essence of Russian culture. (en)
Cílem projektu je vytvoření dvou monografií Náboženství v systému ruské kultury a Základní duchovní a sociální koncepty moskevské Rusi, dále dvou překladových prací. Výsledky grantového zkoumání budou zároveň prezentovány na konferencích a ve výuce.