| - Předmětem studie byl obsah prvků v kořenech, stvolech a semenech řepky olejky. Kořeny akumulují značná množství kovů: přibližně 2000 mg/kg Fe; 120 mg/kg Mn; 30 mg/kg Zn; 2-8 mg/kg As, Cr, Ni, Cu a Pb; 0,3-1 mg/kg Co, Mo a Cd a 0,1 mg/kg Ag a Tl (přepočteno na sušinu). Přechod kovů do stvolů a listů je však omezen, poměry obsahů prvků ve stvolech a kořenech jsou: 10-30% pro Ag, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni a Pb; 50-100% pro As, Cd, Cu a Zn; >110% pro Tl a Mo. Přechod prvků do semen s výjimkou Cu, Zn, Mo a Tl je omezen ještě více: <20% pro Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe a Pb; 20-60% pro Cu, Mn a Ni; 90% pro Tl; 180-190 % pro Mo a Zn. Rozpustný podíl sloučenin Fe, As a Pb v pufru Tris-HCl (pH=7,5) byl <10% celkového obsahu prvků, zatímco u ostatních prvků činil 10-60%. Extrakty všech tří částí rostliny byly podrobeny analýze pomocí spojení SEC/ICP-MS. Zatímco většina sloučenin Co, Cu, Mo, Mn, Ni a Zn se nalézá v nízkomolekulární frakci (1-2 kDa), sloučeniny As, Ag, Cr, Tl a Pb jsou přítomny ve formě iontů nebo n (cs)
- Trace elements status in parts of the rape (roots, shoots, seeds) was investigated. Roots are able to accumulate large amounts of metals: approx. 2000 mg/kg Fe; 120 mg/kg Mn; 30 mg/kg Zn; 2-8 mg/kg As, Cr, Ni, Cu and Pb; 0.3-1 mg/kg Co, Mo and Cd and 0.1 mg/kg Ag and Tl (on dry weight basis). However, the transfer of metals into shoots is limited. The ratios of element contents in shoots and roots are: 10-30% for Ag, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb; 50-100% for As, Cd, Cu and Zn; >110% for Tl and Mo. The transfer of elements into the seeds is even lower except for Cu, Zn, Mo and Tl. The ratios of elements contents in seeds and roots are: <20% for Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe and Pb; 20-60% for Cu, Mn and Ni; 90% for Tl; 180-190 % for Mo and Zn. The soluble portion of Fe, As and Pb compounds in Tris-HCl buffer (pH=7.5) was <10% of total content, whereas that of other elements was 10-60%. Extracts of all three parts of plant were submitted to SEC/ICP-MS analysis. While the majority of Co, Cu, Mo, Mn, Ni a
- Trace elements status in parts of the rape (roots, shoots, seeds) was investigated. Roots are able to accumulate large amounts of metals: approx. 2000 mg/kg Fe; 120 mg/kg Mn; 30 mg/kg Zn; 2-8 mg/kg As, Cr, Ni, Cu and Pb; 0.3-1 mg/kg Co, Mo and Cd and 0.1 mg/kg Ag and Tl (on dry weight basis). However, the transfer of metals into shoots is limited. The ratios of element contents in shoots and roots are: 10-30% for Ag, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb; 50-100% for As, Cd, Cu and Zn; >110% for Tl and Mo. The transfer of elements into the seeds is even lower except for Cu, Zn, Mo and Tl. The ratios of elements contents in seeds and roots are: <20% for Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe and Pb; 20-60% for Cu, Mn and Ni; 90% for Tl; 180-190 % for Mo and Zn. The soluble portion of Fe, As and Pb compounds in Tris-HCl buffer (pH=7.5) was <10% of total content, whereas that of other elements was 10-60%. Extracts of all three parts of plant were submitted to SEC/ICP-MS analysis. While the majority of Co, Cu, Mo, Mn, Ni a (en)