DNA sequencing is one of the basic techniques of genome investigation. However, relatively low speed and high cost of sequencing projects employing traditional, clone-based Sanger sequencing represent limiting factors for in-depth investigation of large and complex genomes, including those of higher plants. The recent introduction of low-cost sequencing technologies based on highly parallel processing of millions of templates (next-generation sequencing) has greatly accelerated genome sequencing and made it available for investigation of a wide range of species. While these technologies generate unprecedented volumes of sequencing data, they also require new bioinformatic tools for their efficient handling and analyzing. This project aims at developing such tools to analyze sequence composition, abundance and evolution of repetitive DNA sequences which make up major part of most higher plant genomes. In addition to the development of novel bioinformatic approaches and corresponding computer programs (en)
Vývoj bioinformatických metod pro analýzu dat z masivně-paralelního sekvenování genomů rostlin, které umožní komplexní charakterizaci repetitivní DNA. Implementace těchto algoritmů do programů a jejich využití pro studium repetic u vybraných druhů.
Our previously developed bioinformatic approaches for comparative analysis of repetitive DNA in plant genomes v^ere applied to investigate repeat composition in 36 species from four famihes of higher plants. Resulting data was published in peer-reviewed international journals and computer programs were made publicly available via web server. (en)
Metody pro srovnávací analýzu složení repetitivní DNA v genomech rostlin vyvinuté během předchozího řešení projektu byly v tomto roce aplikovány na celkem 36 druhů ze čtyř čeledí vyšších rostlin. Výsledkem této práce bylo několik publikací v mezinárodních časopisech a nový webový server zpřístupňující vyvinuté programy. (cs)