. "1"^^ . . "Great attention is given to complex research of processes in last time. Complex nature of lithosphere -hydrosphere -atmosphere -biosphere is studied nevertheless we are still in the beginning. Collections of museums, in some branches more than 200 years old, containunique sorce for research of many natural events. The region on the junction of three geological, geographical and biologicaly defined areas is important even from the european point of wiev. This region is very interesting because of the contrasts and dynamics of all natural phenomenons."@en . "298"^^ . . . "botany, zoology, entomology, anthropology, mineralogy, geology"@en . "Basis creation and research of nature processes in the broader junction area of Carpathian, Hercynian and Pannonian regions"@en . . "Z\u00E1b\u011Br \u0159e\u0161en\u00E9 problematiky byl \u0161irok\u00FD, odr\u00E1\u017Eel p\u016Fvodn\u00ED pl\u00E1n z\u00E1m\u011Bru, oborovou strukturu p\u0159\u00EDrodov\u011Bdn\u00FDch pracovi\u0161\u0165 MZM, speci\u00E1ln\u00ED zam\u011B\u0159en\u00ED jednotliv\u00FDch pracovn\u00EDk\u016F a dokumenta\u010Dn\u00ED posl\u00E1n\u00ED muzejn\u00ED instituce. T\u00FDm splnil adekv\u00E1tn\u00EDm zp\u016Fsobem stanoven\u00E9 c\u00EDle a p\u0159isp\u011Bl k roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED poznatk\u016F o diverzit\u011B ne\u017Eiv\u00E9 i \u017Eiv\u00E9 p\u0159\u00EDrody."@cs . . . . . "The project covered a wide range of issues, based on the initial objectives, and reflected the disciplinary structure of the natural science departments of the Moravian Museum, the specialisations of individual researchers and the Museum\u2019s documentation mission. The team met the objectives and contributed to expanding the body of knowledge about the diversity of both organic and inorganic nature."@en . . "2011-03-09+01:00"^^ . . "2012-07-03+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . "Komplexn\u00EDmu v\u00FDzkumu p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00EDch proces\u016F je v\u011Bnov\u00E1na st\u00E1le v\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED pozornost, proto\u017Ee jednotliv\u00E9 syst\u00E9my na zemsk\u00E9m povrchu litosf\u00E9ra-hydrosf\u00E9ra-atmosf\u00E9ra-biosf\u00E9ra maj\u00ED mnohem komplexn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED povahu a jsou dynami\u010Dt\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED, ne\u017E se d\u0159\u00EDve p\u0159ipou\u0161t\u011Blo. P\u0159esto jsme v ch\u00E1p\u00E1n\u00ED vztah\u016F mezi nimi na za\u010D\u00E1tku. Jedn\u00EDm ze zp\u016Fsob\u016F, jak jim l\u00E9pe porozum\u011Bt, je jejich studium v \u010Dase, v\u011Bt\u0161ina v\u011Bdeck\u00FDch v\u00FDzkum\u016F je toti\u017E relativn\u011B kr\u00E1tkodob\u00FDch. Muzejn\u00ED sb\u00EDrky, v n\u011Bkter\u00FDch oborech systematicky shroma\u017E\u010Fovan\u00E9 u\u017E p\u0159es 200 let, tak p\u0159edstavuj\u00ED velmi hodnotn\u00FD materi\u00E1l pro v\u00FDzkum cel\u00E9 \u0159ady p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00EDch d\u011Bj\u016F. Oblast Moravy, kde se st\u00FDkaj\u00ED t\u0159i geologick\u00E9, geografick\u00E9 a biologick\u00E9 celky, je v\u00FDznamn\u00E1 i z celoevropsk\u00E9ho hlediska. P\u0159edstavuje modelov\u011B velmi zaj\u00EDmav\u00E9 \u00FAzem\u00ED, kde se dynamika v\u0161ech p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00EDch jev\u016F je\u0161t\u011B zv\u00FDraz\u0148uje." . . "2005-03-01+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "298"^^ . "2011-12-31+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "Vytv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED pramenn\u00E9 b\u00E1ze a studium p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00EDch proces\u016F prob\u00EDhaj\u00EDc\u00EDch v \u0161ir\u0161\u00ED oblasti styk\u016F karpatsk\u00E9, hercynsk\u00E9 a panonsk\u00E9 oblasti" . .