"4"^^ . . "K dosa\u017Een\u00ED dlouhodob\u00E9 mechanick\u00E9 a biologick\u00E9 stability dent\u00E1ln\u00EDch implant\u00E1t\u016F v kostn\u00ED tk\u00E1ni, co\u017E pat\u0159\u00ED st\u00E1le k v\u00FDznamn\u00FDm a dlouhodob\u00FDm probl\u00E9m\u016Fm dent\u00E1ln\u00ED implantologie, je t\u0159eba st\u00E1le se zab\u00FDvat v\u00FDvojem nov\u00FDch pokro\u010Dil\u00FDch povrchov\u00FDch \u00FAprav a inovacemi tvar\u016F nitrokostn\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1st\u00ED. Navrhovan\u00FD projekt vych\u00E1z\u00ED z celosv\u011Btov\u00FDch trend\u016F, jejich\u017E snahou je postupn\u011B nahrazovat dnes st\u00E1le velmi pou\u017E\u00EDvan\u00E9 bioinertn\u00ED povrchov\u00E9 \u00FApravy dent\u00E1ln\u00EDch implant\u00E1t\u016F tzv. bioaktivn\u00EDmi povlaky. Hlavn\u00EDm zam\u011B\u0159en\u00EDm projektu je p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm n\u00E1vrh optim\u00E1ln\u00EDch mo\u017Enost\u00ED povrchov\u00FDch \u00FAprav sou\u010Dasn\u00FDch implant\u00E1t\u016F prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm aplikac\u00ED mikrovrstev na b\u00E1zi polymer\u016F a jejich n\u00E1slednou plazmatickou modifikac\u00ED, kompozitn\u00EDch materi\u00E1l\u016F na b\u00E1zi titanu, a mikropor\u00E9zn\u00EDch povrch\u016F titanov\u00FDch implant\u00E1t\u016F upraven\u00FDch pomoc\u00ED nanotechnologi\u00ED. Povrchov\u00E9 \u00FApravy sou\u010Dasn\u011B spo\u010D\u00EDvaj\u00ED ve v\u00FDrazn\u00E9m sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED modulu pru\u017Enosti povrchov\u00FDch vrstev nitrokostn\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1st\u00ED implant\u00E1t\u016F, se z\u0159etelem k p\u0159\u00EDzniv\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED redistribuci mechanick\u00FDch nap\u011Bt\u00ED na rozhran\u00ED s \u017Eivou tk\u00E1n\u00ED. Sou\u010Dasn\u011B s v\u00FDvojem bioaktivn\u00EDch povrch\u016F implant\u00E1t\u016F budou navr\u017Eeny, n\u00E1sledn\u011B experiment\u00E1ln\u011B a numericky ov\u011B\u0159eny nov\u00E9 geometrie nitrokostn\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1st\u00ED dent\u00E1ln\u00EDch implant\u00E1t\u016F. Sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED procesu navrhov\u00E1n\u00ED a optimalizace nov\u00FDch implant\u00E1t\u016F budou mechanick\u00E9 a dynamick\u00E9 zat\u011B\u017Eovac\u00ED testy, mikromechanick\u00E9 a mikroskopick\u00E9 anal\u00FDzy, numerick\u00E9 simulace metodou kone\u010Dn\u00FDch prvk\u016F a \u201Ein vivo\u201C testy navr\u017Een\u00FDch i st\u00E1vaj\u00EDc\u00EDch (referen\u010Dn\u00EDch) dent\u00E1ln\u00EDch n\u00E1hrad. V\u00FDsledkem navr\u017Een\u00E9ho komplexu bude propojen\u00ED \u017Eiv\u00E9 a ne\u017Eiv\u00E9 komponenty v rozhran\u00ED do kompaktn\u00EDho pole zaji\u0161\u0165uj\u00EDc\u00ED dlouhodobou stabilitu implant\u00E1tu v kostn\u00EDm l\u016F\u017Eku." . . "4"^^ . "Biomechanick\u00E1 anal\u00FDza interakce nitrokostn\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1st\u00ED dent\u00E1ln\u00EDch n\u00E1hrad s \u017Eiv\u00FDmi tk\u00E1n\u011Bmi - n\u00E1vrh, v\u00FDvoj a optimalizace tvaru implant\u00E1t\u016F a jejich bioaktivn\u00EDch povrch\u016F." . . . "0"^^ . . "2014-03-10+01:00"^^ . . . . . . . "Achieving long-term mechanical and biological stability of dental implants in bone tissue, which is still one of the significant and long-term problems of dental implantology, should be supported by the continuous development of new advanced surface adjustments and innovations of shapes of intraosseous parts. The proposed project is based on global trends that are trying to gradually replace today still widely used bio-inert surfaces of dental implants by bioactive coatings. The main focus of the project is particularly the proposal of optimal opportunities of surface treatments of current implants through applications of micro-layers based on polymers with their subsequent plasma modification, composite materials based on titanium alloys and microporous surfaces of titanium implants modified using nanotechnologies. Surface treatments simultaneously consist of reducing of elastic modulus of surface layers of intraosseous parts of implants, with respect to more favorable redistribution of mechanical stresses at the interface with living tissue. Simultaneously with the development of bioactive surfaces of implants a new geometry of intraosseous part of dental implants will be designed and subsequently experimentally and numerically verified. The process of designing and optimizing of new implants involves mechanical and dynamic load tests, microscopic and micromechanical analysis, numerical simulations by finite element method and 'in vivo' verifications proposed and currently used (reference) dental restorations. Main result of the designed complex will be ensuring the interconnection of living and nonliving components in the interface into the compact and coherent field, ensuring long-term stability of the implant in the bone nest."@en . . "2015-05-05+02:00"^^ . . "Biomechanical analysis of intraosseous parts of dental replacements and their interactions with living tissues - design, development and optimization of implant's shapes and bioactive surfaces"@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=TA03010886"^^ . "dental implant-polymer micro-surface-trabecular titan-passive activity-ingrowth of bone tissue-surface adhesion"@en . "2013-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . "2016-12-31+01:00"^^ . "TA03010886" . . . .