"1"^^ . "2009-01-01+01:00"^^ . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . " 5-fluorouracil" . . . " toxicity" . "Individual 5-fluorouracil dose individualization in patients with colorectal cancer"@en . "0"^^ . . . . . "Studie uk\u00E1zala v\u00FDznamnou korelaci mezi plochou pod k\u0159ivkou plazmatick\u00FDch koncentrac\u00ED cytostatika a rezidu\u00E1ln\u00ED chorobou. Regrese onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED se dostavila u 29/ 37 nemocn\u00FDch (78 %), kompletn\u00ED patologick\u00E1 remise u 6/ 37 (16 %)."@cs . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=NS9693"^^ . . . " pharmacokinetics" . . "Individu\u00E1ln\u00ED predikce d\u00E1vkov\u00E9ho re\u017Eimu 5-fluorouracilu v l\u00E9\u010Db\u011B kolorekt\u00E1ln\u00EDho karcinomu" . . "NS9693" . "pharmacogenetics" . . . "2013-10-31+01:00"^^ . "2011-08-08+02:00"^^ . "Vyu\u017Eit\u00ED parametr\u016F a biomarker\u016F charakterizuj\u00EDc\u00EDch enzymatick\u00FD genetick\u00FD polymorfismus, kinetick\u00E9 a dynamick\u00E9 vlastnosti 5-fluorouracilu pro v\u00FDpo\u010Det a predikci rychlosti i.v. p\u0159\u00EDvodu l\u00E9\u010Diva u nemocn\u00FDch s kolorekt\u00E1ln\u00EDm karcinomem. C\u00EDlem je optim\u00E1ln\u00ED terapeutick\u00E1 \u00FA\u010Dinnost za p\u0159ijateln\u00FDch rizik ne\u017E\u00E1douc\u00EDch a toxick\u00FDch \u00FA\u010Dink\u016F." . " pharmacodynamic" . "The outcome showed significant correlation of plasma 5-FU concentrations with residual disease. Cancer regression to chemoradiotherapy was reached in 29/ 37 patients (78 %), while complete pathological response in 6/ 37 (16 %)."@en . " dose dense regime" . . . "The objective of the research is to verify the potential importance of 5-FU pharmacokinetic characteristics and biomarkers reflecting the genetic polymorphism of enzymes involved the efficacy of the drug. The goal is to predict the drug dose dense regime of i.v. 5-FU administration to patients suffering from colorectal carcinoma in neoadjuvant therapy to ensure the maximum benefit and minimum toxicity."@en . . . . " prediction" . "pharmacogenetics; pharmacokinetics; toxicity; pharmacodynamic; prediction; 5-fluorouracil; dose dense regime; colorectal carcinoma"@en . . "2011-12-31+01:00"^^ . "1"^^ .