_:b736330 . _:b770505 _:b770506 . "C1334413"^^ . _:b687315 . "Low-Grade Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of BreastSYNCI" . "Low-Grade DCISSYNCI" . _:b687314 . "Ductal Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Grade 1CSYNCI" . _:b736330 _:b770505 . _:b687314 . _:b687316 . _:b687315 . "Low Grade Ductal Breast Carcinoma In Situ"^^ . _:b687315 . "DIN 1CABNCI" . _:b687318 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b687319 . _:b770510 _:b687319 . . "Malignant"^^ . _:b687318 . _:b634565 _:b736330 . _:b687318 . _:b687316 . "C9457"^^ . _:b687317 . _:b687319 . _:b687319 . _:b770508 _:b687317 . _:b634565 . _:b687316 . _:b770509 _:b687318 . _:b687317 . _:b687317 . _:b770510 . "Ductal breast carcinoma in situ characterized by the presence of small, monomorphic neoplastic cells that form cribriform, micropapillary, or solid patterns. The nuclei are uniform and mitotic figures are rare.NCI" . _:b634565 . _:b687314 . _:b770506 _:b687315 . _:b770508 _:b770509 . _:b770507 _:b687316 . "Low Grade Ductal Breast Carcinoma In SituPTNCI" . _:b770505 _:b687314 . "Low-Grade_Ductal_Carcinoma_In_Situ_of_the_Breast"^^ . _:b770509 _:b770510 . "Low Grade Ductal Breast Carcinoma In Situ"^^ . "DCIS Grade 1SYNCI" . _:b770507 _:b770508 . _:b770506 _:b770507 .