. . "C94097"^^ . "C2986295"^^ . "Study Overall Status CodePTNCI" . "Study Overall Status Code"^^ . "Intellectual Product"^^ . "Study Overall Status Code"^^ . "StudyOverallStatus.codePTBRIDG" . "A coded value specifying the phase in the lifecycle of the study as a whole. EXAMPLE(S): In Review, Approved, Active, Closed to Accrual, Closed to Accrual and Intervention, Temporary Closed to Accrual, Temporary Closed to Accrual and Intervention, Disapproved, Withdrawn, Administratively complete. NOTE(S): Please refer to the Study Overall Status state transition diagram for further details. The overall status of a study may overlap with the study site status and accrual status. This overlap needs to be clearly differentiated.BRIDG" . "A coded value specifying the phase in the lifecycle of the study as a whole.NCI" . "BRIDG"^^ .