_:b685410 . _:b732615 _:b769457 . _:b769459 _:b685411 . _:b734734 . "Kaposi's sarcomaPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045134" . _:b769458 _:b685410 . "Kaposi Sarcoma"^^ . _:b685410 . . _:b769457 _:b769458 . _:b734734 _:b732615 . _:b769457 _:b685409 . _:b685410 . _:b685411 . "Malignant"^^ . _:b685411 . "Kaposi's SarcomaSYNCI" . _:b769462 _:b685414 . _:b634304 _:b742909 . _:b769459 _:b769460 . _:b685409 . _:b769458 _:b769459 . "KSABNCI" . _:b685409 . _:b769460 _:b769461 . _:b685414 . _:b769460 _:b685412 . _:b685414 . _:b769461 _:b769462 . _:b634304 . _:b769461 _:b685413 . "Kaposi Sarcoma"^^ . "Kaposi SarcomaPTNCI" . _:b685412 . _:b685412 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b634304 . . _:b685413 . _:b742909 _:b734734 . "A type of cancer characterized by the abnormal growth of blood vessels that develop into skin lesions or occur internally.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b685413 . _:b685414 . "Multiple Hemorrhagic SarcomaSYNCI" . _:b732615 . "A malignant neoplasm characterized by a vascular proliferation which usually contains blunt endothelial cells. Erythrocyte extravasation and hemosiderin deposition are frequently present. The most frequent site of involvement is the skin; however it may also occur internally. It generally develops in people with compromised immune systems including those with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).NCI" . _:b685413 . "9140/3"^^ . _:b742909 . "C9087"^^ . "Kaposi_s_Sarcoma"^^ . _:b685411 . _:b685409 . _:b685412 . "C0036220"^^ . _:b769462 .