_:b632255 . "Embryonal RhabdomyosarcomaPTNCI" . _:b759763 _:b759764 . _:b670029 . _:b670031 . _:b670028 . _:b670030 . _:b670029 . _:b759767 . _:b759764 _:b759765 . _:b670032 . _:b759765 _:b759766 . _:b670032 . "embryonal rhabdomyosarcomaPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000044497" . "A soft tissue tumor that is most common in infants and young children. It begins in muscles, usually in the head, neck, or genitourinary tract.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b759766 _:b759767 . _:b632255 . "C8971"^^ . "CTEP"^^ . "Malignant"^^ . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b730201 . "Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma"^^ . _:b734389 _:b759763 . "8910/3"^^ . _:b670030 . _:b759767 _:b670032 . _:b670028 . _:b670029 . _:b670031 . "Embryonal rhabdomyosarcomaPTCTEP10065868" . . "Embryonal_Rhabdomyosarcoma"^^ . _:b759763 _:b670028 . _:b632255 _:b730201 . _:b759764 _:b670029 . _:b759765 _:b670030 . . "Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma"^^ . "C0206656"^^ . _:b670032 . _:b759766 _:b670031 . _:b670030 . "A poorly circumscribed morphologic variant of rhabdomyosarcoma. It is characterized by the presence of primitive skeletal muscle differentiation in any stage of myogenesis. There are three histologic types, spindle cell, botryoid and anaplastic.NCI" . . "ERMSPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000641930" . _:b734389 . _:b670031 . "A primitive malignant soft tissue sarcoma that recapitulates the phenotypic and biological features of embryonic skeletal muscle. The term embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma encompasses the spindle cell, botryoid and anaplastic variants.NCI" . . _:b730201 _:b734389 . _:b670028 .