_:b758026 _:b758027 . _:b758031 _:b758032 . _:b733148 _:b745161 . "DSRCTABNCI" . _:b758025 _:b758026 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b666398 . "A rare, aggressive cancer that usually affects young males and usually is located in the abdomen.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b758024 _:b666398 . _:b666399 . _:b758032 _:b758033 . _:b758025 _:b666399 . . "Malignant"^^ . "Desmoplastic_Small_Round_Cell_Tumor"^^ . _:b666397 . "Desmoplastic Small Round-Cell NeoplasmSYNCI" . _:b666402 . . "An aggressive malignant neoplasm of uncertain lineage. It is characterized by the presence of small round cells in a desmoplastic stroma. It usually affects children and young adults. The most common site of involvement is the abdomen. Patients usually present with abdominal distention, pain, ascites, and a palpable abdominal mass. The prognosis is usually poor.NCI" . _:b666400 . _:b738654 . "Desmoplastic Small Round-Cell TumorSYNCI" . _:b745161 _:b631960 . _:b666406 . "Desmoplastic small round cell tumorPTCTEP10064587" . _:b733148 . _:b631960 _:b758023 . "C8300"^^ . _:b745161 _:b758025 . "A tumor composed of small round tumor cells of uncertain histogenesis, associated with prominent stromal desmoplasia and polyphenotypic differentiation. There is a recurrent cytogenetic aberration: t(11;22)(p13;q12).NCI" . _:b758032 _:b666406 . _:b666401 . "Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor"^^ . "Desmoplastic Small Round Cell TumorPTNCI" . _:b758033 _:b666407 . _:b666397 . _:b666398 . _:b666398 . _:b732107 . _:b758024 . _:b758023 _:b758024 . _:b666397 . _:b666399 . "C0281508"^^ . "Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor"^^ . _:b631959 . _:b666407 . _:b666405 . "desmoplastic small round cell tumorPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000044495" . _:b631959 . _:b666404 . _:b758027 _:b666401 . _:b758026 _:b666400 . _:b666402 . _:b666403 . _:b666403 . _:b758033 . _:b631959 _:b738654 . _:b666403 . _:b631960 . _:b666400 . _:b666399 . _:b666400 . _:b758023 _:b666397 . _:b758030 _:b758031 . _:b738654 _:b732107 . _:b758030 _:b666404 . _:b666401 . "8806/3"^^ . "CTEP"^^ . _:b666406 . _:b732107 _:b733148 . _:b666406 . _:b758028 _:b758029 . _:b758031 _:b666405 . _:b666407 . _:b758029 _:b666403 . _:b666401 . _:b666407 . _:b758029 _:b758030 . _:b666404 . _:b758028 _:b666402 . _:b666402 . "Desmoplas. small round cell tumorSYCTEP10064587" . _:b666404 . _:b666405 . . _:b758027 _:b758028 . _:b666405 .