"HGNC:31620"^^ . _:b690390 . _:b772684 _:b772685 . _:b690391 . . _:b743389 _:b772684 . "C81915"^^ . _:b772684 _:b690390 . _:b690390 . _:b772685 _:b772686 . _:b690392 . "NT_021877"^^ . _:b634896 . "MIRN29B2SYNCI" . "hsa-miR-29b-2SYNCI" . _:b772685 _:b690391 . _:b772686 _:b690392 . _:b634896 _:b743389 . _:b743389 . "Gene or Genome"^^ . "MI0000107"^^ . _:b634896 . _:b690390 . "407025"^^ . _:b772686 . "MIR29B2 wt Allele"^^ . _:b690391 . _:b690391 . "C2825818"^^ . "MIR29B2_wt_Allele"^^ . "MIR29B2 wt AllelePTNCI" . "MIR29B2 wt Allele"^^ . _:b690392 . _:b690392 . "The human MIR29B2 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 1q32.2 and is 80 bases in length. This allele, which encodes MIR29B2 RNA, plays a role in lung cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes.NCI" . "MicroRNA 29b-2 wt AlleleSYNCI" .