"Neoplastic Process"^^ . "Stage I is divided into stage IA, stage IB, and stage IS, and is determined after a radical inguinal orchiectomy (surgery to remove the testicle) is done. In stage IA, cancer is in the testicle and epididymis and may have spread to the inner layer of the membrane surrounding the testicle; all tumor marker levels are normal. In stage IB, cancer is in the testicle and the epididymis and has spread to the blood or lymph vessels in the testicle; or has spread to the outer layer of the membrane surrounding the testicle; or is in the spermatic cord or the scrotum and may be in the blood or lymph vessels of the testicle; all tumor marker levels are normal. In stage IS, cancer is found anywhere within the testicle, spermatic cord, or the scrotum, and either all tumor marker levels are slightly above normal or one or more tumor marker levels are moderately above normal or high.NCI-GLOSS" . "Stage I Testicular Cancer AJCC v6SYNCI" . _:b790693 _:b715898 . "Stage I Testicular Cancer AJCC v7SYNCI" . "C0278831"^^ . "Stage I Cancer of the TestisSYNCI" . "Stage I Testicular Germ Cell TumorSYNCI" . _:b640092 . "Malignant"^^ . "Stage_I_Testicular_Cancer"^^ . . "C7901"^^ . _:b715900 . _:b715898 . "Stage I includes: pT1-4, N0, M0, SX. pT1: Tumor limited to the testis and epididymis without vascular/lymphatic invasion; tumor may invade into the tunica albuginea but not the tunica vaginalis. pT2: Tumor limited to the testis and epididymis with vascular/lymphatic invasion, or tumor extending through the tunica albuginea with involvement of the tunica vaginalis. pT3: Tumor invades the spermatic cord with or without vascular/lymphatic invasion. pT4: Tumor invades the scrotum with or without vascular/lymphatic invasion. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. SX: Marker studies not available or not performed. (AJCC 6th and 7th eds.)NCI" . _:b640092 _:b739233 . _:b790694 _:b715899 . _:b715899 . _:b790695 _:b715900 . _:b790693 _:b790694 . _:b715900 . _:b790695 . "Stage I Testicular CancerPTNCI" . _:b739233 _:b790693 . _:b715898 . _:b715898 . "Stage I Testicular Cancer"^^ . "Stage I Testicular Cancer"^^ . "stage I testicular cancerPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045126" . _:b715900 . _:b790694 _:b790695 . _:b715899 . _:b640092 . _:b739233 . "Stage I Cancer of TestisSYNCI" . _:b715899 .