. "2-Chloro-10-(3-(1-methyl-4-piperazinyl)propyl)-phenothiazineSNNCI" . . "Pharmacologic Substance"^^ . "RP 6140CNNCI" . "C20H24ClN3S"^^ . "YHP6YLT61T"^^ . "C0033229"^^ . "Prochlorperazine"^^ . "39564"^^ . "CHEBI:8435"^^ . "prochlorperazinePTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045232" . "A drug used to prevent or reduce nausea and vomiting. It belongs to the family of drugs called antiemetics.NCI-GLOSS" . . "Prochlorperazine"^^ . "Organic Chemical"^^ . "Prochlorperazine"^^ . "A synthetic propylpiperazine derivative of phenothiazine with antiemetic, antipsychotic, antihistaminic, and anticholinergic activities. Prochlorperazine antagonizes the dopamine D2-receptor in the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) of the brain and may prevent chemotherapy-induced emesis. (NCI04)NCI" . . . "SKF-4657CNNCI" . "58-38-8"^^ . . "39564"^^ . "Anxiety; Dizziness; Nausea and vomiting management; Psychosis"^^ . "C774"^^ . . "FDA"^^ . "PROCHLORPERAZINEPTFDAYHP6YLT61T" . "ProchlorperazinePTNCI" . .