"A rare type of leukemia in which abnormal B-lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) are present in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. When viewed under a microscope, these cells appear to be covered with tiny hair-like projections.NCI-GLOSS" . "CTEP"^^ . _:b733766 _:b734868 . _:b679154 . _:b679153 . _:b679154 . _:b679152 . _:b679155 . . . _:b679152 . _:b765211 _:b765212 . _:b679153 . "Hairy Cell Leukemia"^^ . _:b765210 _:b765211 . _:b679157 . _:b679163 . _:b679158 . "Malignant"^^ . _:b765209 _:b765210 . _:b733766 . _:b679158 . _:b679162 . _:b765208 _:b765209 . _:b679159 . _:b679156 . _:b679159 . "Hairy Cell LeukemiaSYNCITCGA" . _:b679156 . _:b679160 . _:b765214 _:b765215 . _:b679161 . _:b679157 . _:b765212 _:b765213 . "C7402"^^ . _:b679164 . _:b679160 . _:b765220 _:b679163 . _:b730308 . _:b765213 _:b765214 . _:b765221 _:b679164 . _:b734868 _:b765208 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . "HCLABNCI" . _:b679163 . _:b765217 _:b679160 . . _:b765219 _:b679162 . _:b765216 _:b679159 . "Leukemic ReticuloendotheliosisSYNCI" . _:b679162 . _:b679151 . _:b765218 _:b679161 . _:b679151 . _:b679153 . _:b765208 _:b679151 . _:b765214 _:b679157 . _:b765215 _:b679158 . "hairy cell leukemiaPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045159" . _:b679161 . _:b765221 . _:b765220 _:b765221 . _:b679156 . _:b765212 _:b679155 . "Hairy_Cell_Leukemia"^^ . _:b765213 _:b679156 . _:b765211 _:b679154 . _:b730308 _:b733766 . _:b734868 . _:b765210 _:b679153 . "Hairy Cell LeukemiaPTNCI" . "C0023443"^^ . _:b679157 . _:b765209 _:b679152 . _:b765217 _:b765218 . _:b765216 _:b765217 . _:b765219 _:b765220 . _:b679158 . "9940/3"^^ . _:b765218 _:b765219 . _:b679159 . _:b679162 . "Hairy Cell Leukemia"^^ . _:b679163 . _:b679154 . . _:b679160 . _:b633468 . "Hairy cell leukemiaPTCTEP10019053" . _:b679161 . "A rare neoplasm of small B-lymphocytes with "hairy" projections in bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. Most patients are middle-aged to elderly adults and present with splenomegaly and pancytopenia. (WHO, 2001)NCI" . _:b765215 _:b765216 . _:b679151 . _:b633468 _:b730308 . _:b679152 . _:b633468 . _:b679155 . _:b679164 . _:b679164 . _:b679155 .