_:b774603 _:b693517 . "Undetermined"^^ . _:b774604 _:b693518 . _:b635755 . "Mixed Neoplasm"^^ . "A tumor composed of at least two distinct cellular populations.NCI" . _:b774605 _:b693519 . _:b693518 . _:b736425 _:b774603 . _:b693518 . _:b693517 . . _:b693519 . _:b693519 . _:b693517 . _:b635755 . _:b693517 . _:b693519 . _:b774605 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b774604 _:b774605 . "A neoplasm composed of an epithelial component and/or a mesenchymal component, for which the malignancy status has not been established. A general term for which the transformed cell types have not been specified.CDISC" . "CDISC"^^ . _:b635755 _:b736425 . "Mixed NeoplasmPTNCI" . _:b736425 . _:b774603 _:b774604 . . . "MIXED TUMOR, UNDETERMINEDPTCDISC" . "8940/1"^^ . "Mixed TumorSYNCI" . . . "Mixed Neoplasm"^^ . "MIXED TUMORSYCDISC" . "TUMOR, MIXEDSYCDISC" . "C6930"^^ . "Mixed_Neoplasm"^^ . _:b693518 . "C1368354"^^ .