_:b676403 . "A phenotypic variant of ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS COLI featuring multiple colonic polyposis with malignant tendency, subcutaneous fibromata and lipomata, exostoses and osteomas of the skull and facial bones, and epidermal inclusion cysts.MSH2003_2003_05_12" . "Gardner's SyndromeSYNCI" . _:b676406 . _:b763410 _:b676407 . "Gardner Syndrome"^^ . _:b763406 _:b763407 . "A variant of familial adenomatous polyposis. It is an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by multiple colonic polyps predisposing to carcinoma of the colon, osteomas of the skull, epidermoid cysts, and fibromas. It is associated with mutation of the APC gene.NCI" . _:b676406 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . . . "Gardner SyndromePTNCI" . _:b763408 _:b676405 . _:b676407 . _:b763409 _:b676406 . _:b676405 . _:b676404 . _:b676403 . _:b763410 . _:b676405 . _:b676403 . "Gardner_s_Syndrome"^^ . _:b763407 _:b763408 . "Gardner Syndrome"^^ . _:b763406 _:b676403 . _:b763407 _:b676404 . _:b729486 . _:b763409 _:b763410 . _:b676407 . _:b633072 . _:b763408 _:b763409 . "C0017097"^^ . _:b676404 . _:b633072 . _:b633072 _:b729486 . _:b676407 . _:b676406 . _:b676404 . "C6728"^^ . _:b676405 . _:b729486 _:b763406 . "Benign"^^ .