_:b789836 _:b715039 . _:b715042 . _:b639536 _:b737712 . _:b715040 . _:b715037 . _:b639536 . _:b715043 . _:b789840 _:b715043 . "Stage 2 Neuroblastoma"^^ . _:b715040 . "C1336301"^^ . _:b715042 . "Stage_II_Neuroblastoma"^^ . _:b715043 . _:b715039 . _:b789834 _:b715037 . _:b715040 . _:b715041 . _:b789835 _:b715038 . _:b715041 . _:b789840 . "Malignant"^^ . "Stage 2 Neuroblastoma"^^ . _:b715038 . _:b789838 _:b789839 . _:b715039 . _:b639536 . _:b715037 . _:b715037 . "Stage 2 is divided into stages 2A and 2B. In stage 2A, the tumor is in one area only and not all of the tumor that can be seen can be completely removed during surgery. In stage 2B, the tumor is in one area only and all of the tumor that can be seen may be completely removed during surgery, but cancer cells are found in nearby lymph nodes.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b789836 _:b789837 . _:b789839 _:b715042 . "stage 2 neuroblastomaPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000396789" . _:b789837 _:b789838 . _:b715041 . . _:b715038 . "C6639"^^ . _:b789838 _:b715041 . _:b789837 _:b715040 . "Stage II NeuroblastomaSYNCI" . _:b789835 _:b789836 . _:b715038 . "Stage 2 includes stage 2A and stage 2B. Stage 2A: Localized tumor with incomplete gross excision; representative ipsilateral nonadherent lymph nodes negative for tumor microscopically. Stage 2B: Localized tumor with or without complete gross excision, with ipsilateral nonadherent lymph nodes positive for tumor. Enlarged contralateral lymph nodes must be negative microscopically. (cancer.gov)NCI" . _:b737712 . _:b737712 _:b789834 . _:b715043 . _:b789834 _:b789835 . _:b715042 . _:b715039 . _:b789839 _:b789840 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . "Stage 2 NeuroblastomaPTNCI" .