. "7BHQ856EJ5"^^ . . "An orally bioavailable, lipophilic, copper-binding, halogenated 8-hydroxyquinoline with antifungal, antiparasitic and potential antitumor activities. Clioquinol forms a stable chelate with copper (copper (II) ions), which inhibits the chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome; consequently, ubiquitinated proteins may accumulate in tumor cells, followed by tumor cell apoptosis and the inhibition of tumor angiogenesis. In addition, the clioquinol-copper complex appears to decrease the expression of androgen receptors (AR) in human copper-enriched prostate cancer cells. Serum levels of copper are often elevated in patients with cancer; copper chelation may inhibit copper-dependent endothelial cell proliferation and tumor secretion of angiogenic factors.NCI" . "MycoquinBRNCI" . "653982"^^ . "FDA"^^ . "Clioquinol"^^ . "Pharmacologic Substance"^^ . _:b660782 . "653982"^^ . _:b660782 . "130-26-7"^^ . "Clioquinol"^^ . "5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinolineSNNCI" . "3531"^^ . "Clioquinol"^^ . "ClioquinolPTNCI" . "C9H5ClINO"^^ . "C0021978"^^ . "AI3-16451CNNCI" . _:b660782 . . "5-Chloro-7-iodo-quinolin-8-olSNNCI" . . "CLIOQUINOLPTFDA7BHQ856EJ5" . "IodochlorohydroxyquinolineSYNCI" . _:b660782 . . "C65337"^^ .