"Krabbe Disease"^^ . "C61254"^^ . . . "A rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder that belongs to the group of leukodystrophies. It is characterized by myelin destruction, gliosis in the brain, and the presence of multinucleated globoid cells. Signs and symptoms include irritability, mental and motor developmental disturbances, muscle weakness, seizures, blindness, and deafness.NCI" . "Disease or Syndrome"^^ . "Krabbe_Disease"^^ . "Krabbe Disease"^^ . "Galactosylceramide Beta-Galactosidase DeficiencyPTNICHD" . "C0023521"^^ . . . "NICHD"^^ . "Globoid Cell LeukodystrophySYNCI" . . "Krabbe DiseasePTNCI" . .