"Plasmacytoma Growth FactorSYNCI" . _:b792742 _:b792743 . _:b719365 . "IL-6ABNCI" . _:b719364 . "Hybridoma Growth FactorSYNCI" . "41474"^^ . _:b792741 _:b719365 . "C591"^^ . _:b719365 . . _:b731398 . _:b792745 _:b719369 . _:b719366 . "SigosixBRNCI" . _:b792745 . _:b792744 _:b719368 . "IFN Beta 2SYNCI" . "Pharmacologic Substance"^^ . _:b719362 . "HSFABNCI" . _:b719367 . "A recombinant therapeutic agent which is chemically identical to or similar to the endogenous cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) with antiapoptotic, proinflammatory, antiinflammatory, proproliferative and proangiogenic activities. IL-6 binds to its receptor (IL-6R), activating a receptor-CD130 receptor complex; the CD130 portion of the complex is a signal transduction protein that activates JAK kinases and Ras-mediated signaling pathways, which in turn activate downstream signaling pathways, resulting in the activation of various transcription factors (STAT, ELK-1, NF-IL-6, etc.) and gene transcription. The physiological effects of IL-6 are complex and varied and include hematopoietic, pyrogenic and thermogenic, proinflammatory, antiinflammatory, proproliferative (anti-apoptotic), and angiogenic effects.NCI" . _:b719368 . _:b719362 . _:b719366 . "Recombinant Interleukin-6"^^ . _:b792739 _:b792740 . "Interleukin-6PTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000044045" . _:b719369 . "C1527132"^^ . _:b792738 _:b792739 . _:b640576 . "IL-6PTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000044421" . "Recombinant Interleukin-6PTNCI" . _:b719364 . _:b719363 . _:b640576 _:b731398 . _:b731398 _:b744625 . "Hepatocyte Stimulating FactorSYNCI" . _:b719367 . _:b719369 . _:b719362 . _:b719363 . _:b640576 . "B Cell Differentiation Factor 2SYNCI" . _:b792739 _:b719363 . "B-Cell Stimulatory Factor-2SYNCI" . _:b719363 . _:b792738 _:b719362 . "Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein"^^ . "HPGFABNCI" . "One of a group of related proteins made by leukocytes (white blood cells) and other cells in the body. Interleukin-6 is made mainly by some T lymphocytes. It causes B lymphocytes to make more antibodies and also causes fever by affecting areas of the brain that control body temperature. Interleukin-6 made in the laboratory is used as a biological response modifier to boost the immune system in cancer therapy. Interleukin-6 is a type of cytokine.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b719368 . "41474"^^ . _:b792744 _:b792745 . _:b719366 . _:b719368 . _:b792742 _:b719366 . _:b719369 . _:b792743 _:b792744 . _:b792740 _:b792741 . "Therapeutic_Interleukin-6"^^ . _:b719367 . _:b744625 . "Recombinant Interleukin-6"^^ . _:b744625 _:b792738 . _:b792743 _:b719367 . _:b792741 _:b792742 . _:b719364 . "Myeloid Differentiation Inducing ProteinSYNCI" . _:b719365 . _:b792740 _:b719364 .