_:b787939 _:b712970 . "C1302392"^^ . "Small Intestinal AdenomaPTNCI" . _:b739646 . _:b638622 . _:b734440 . _:b787940 _:b712971 . _:b787941 _:b712972 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b712970 . _:b787942 _:b712973 . "C5340"^^ . "Small Intestinal Adenoma"^^ . "Adenoma of the Small IntestineSYNCI" . _:b638622 _:b734440 . _:b712970 . "A neoplasm that arises from the glandular epithelium of the small intestine. It is a polypoid or flat circumscribed lesion. Morphologically, it is characterized by a proliferation of neoplastic glandular cells and it is associated with dysplasia. According to the growth pattern, it may be classified as tubular, villous, or tubulovillous.NCI" . "Small Bowel AdenomaSYNCI" . _:b712971 . "Benign"^^ . _:b712971 . "Small_Intestinal_Adenoma"^^ . _:b734440 _:b739646 . _:b787940 _:b787941 . "Adenoma of the Small BowelSYNCI" . _:b787942 . "Adenoma of Small BowelSYNCI" . _:b787941 _:b787942 . _:b712973 . "Small Intestinal Adenoma"^^ . "Adenoma of Small IntestineSYNCI" . _:b712970 . . _:b712972 . _:b712972 . _:b712971 . _:b712973 . _:b712972 . _:b638622 . _:b712973 . _:b787939 _:b787940 . _:b739646 _:b787939 .