"Study Chair"^^ . . "A person who is responsible for providing overall management for the operation of the study, and for reporting to the Data and Safety Monitoring Board. The continual review of the data by an independent individual or DSMB assures the investigator(s) that the trial can continue without jeopardizing patient safety.NCI" . "Study ChairPTNCI" . "Study ChairpersonSYNCI" . . "Study DirectorPTCDISCSEND-STSPRM" . "Study DirectorSYCDISC" . "STDIRPTCDISCSEND-STSPRMCD" . . "CDISC"^^ . "Professional or Occupational Group"^^ . "C1710219"^^ . . "A person who has overall responsibility for the technical conduct of a study, as well as for the interpretation, analysis, documentation and reporting of results, and represents the single point of study control. (FDA)CDISC" . "Study Chair"^^ . "Study_Chair"^^ . "C51878"^^ . . . .