_:b772351 _:b689585 . _:b772351 _:b772352 . _:b772350 _:b689584 . _:b689590 . _:b689587 . "C1708817"^^ . _:b772347 _:b689581 . _:b772348 _:b689582 . _:b689582 . "MDM2/MDM4 Family"^^ . _:b689583 . _:b772349 _:b689583 . _:b689589 . _:b689581 . _:b772356 _:b772357 . _:b689582 . _:b772357 _:b772358 . _:b689591 . "Gene or Genome"^^ . "negative regulation of cell proliferationGO:0008285TAS29-SEP-2003CGAP" . _:b634792 _:b734195 . _:b772353 _:b772354 . _:b689592 . "HGNC:6973"^^ . _:b772352 _:b772353 . _:b689581 . _:b772355 _:b772356 . "4193"^^ . _:b689583 . _:b772354 _:b772355 . _:b772347 _:b772348 . _:b689592 . "Human MDM2 wild-type allele is located within 12q14.3-q15 and is approximately 32 kb in length. This allele, which encodes ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 Mdm2 protein, plays a role in the regulation of transactivation by tumor protein p53, as part of an autoregulatory negative feedback loop. Overexpression of MDM2 can result in excessive inactivation of tumor protein p53 and diminish its tumor suppressor capability.NCI" . _:b689592 . _:b689584 . "MDM 2SYNCI" . _:b772350 _:b772351 . _:b689588 . "NM_002392"^^ . "Flanked by microsatellites D12S80 and D12S83, human MDM2 Gene (MDM2/MDM4 family) at 12q14.3-q15 encodes a 90 kD ubiquitin ligase E3 phosphoprotein that complexes with p53 in S/G2/M, targeting its degradation and inhibiting p53-mediated gene transactivation. The 25 kb murine gene contains at least twelve exons and MDM2 expression is regulated by the RAS/MAPK pathway. Upon DNA damage, phosphorylation of p53 suppresses interaction with MDM2 and p14(ARF) inhibits MDM2 activity. Interaction with MDM2 inhibits RB protein. MDM2 amplification is found in some cancers and may lead to escape from p53-regulation of growth control."^^ . _:b689589 . _:b689588 . _:b772348 _:b772349 . _:b689590 . _:b734195 _:b772347 . _:b734195 . _:b772356 _:b689590 . _:b772349 _:b772350 . _:b689591 . _:b689586 . _:b772357 _:b689591 . _:b634792 . _:b772358 _:b689592 . "MDM2_wt_Allele"^^ . _:b634792 . _:b689584 . _:b689587 . _:b772354 _:b689588 . _:b689585 . _:b689584 . "MDM2 wt AllelePTNCI" . _:b772358 . _:b772355 _:b689589 . _:b689586 . _:b689582 . "MDM2 wt Allele"^^ . _:b689585 . _:b772353 _:b689587 . _:b689587 . . _:b689590 . _:b772352 _:b689586 . "p53-Binding Protein GeneSYNCI" . _:b689591 . "C51283"^^ . _:b689581 . _:b689588 . _:b689586 . _:b689585 . _:b689589 . "MDM2 Protein"^^ . "164785"^^ . "MDM2 wt Allele"^^ . _:b689583 . "MDM2, Transformed 3T3 Cell Double Minute 2, p53 Binding Protein (Mouse) wt AlleleSYNCI" .