"Tumor of the BrainstemSYNCI" . _:b739465 . "Brain Stem Neoplasm"^^ . "Neoplasm of the BrainstemSYNCI" . "Brain Stem Neoplasm"^^ . _:b751173 . "Neoplasm of BrainstemSYNCI" . "Brain_Stem_Neoplasm"^^ . "A benign or malignant neoplasm that affects the brain stem.NCI" . "A tumor in the part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord (the brain stem).NCI-GLOSS" . "Neoplasm of Brain StemSYNCI" . "Tumor of BrainstemSYNCI" . _:b739465 _:b751173 . "Brainstem NeoplasmSYNCI" . "brain stem tumorPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045625" . . "Undetermined"^^ . "Brain Stem TumorSYNCI" . "Neoplasm of the Brain StemSYNCI" . _:b630426 . _:b651584 . _:b651584 . _:b630426 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b751173 _:b651584 . _:b630426 _:b739465 . "Tumor of the Brain StemSYNCI" . "Brain Stem NeoplasmPTNCI" . "C4869"^^ . _:b651584 . "Tumor of Brain StemSYNCI" . "C0677866"^^ . . "Brainstem TumorSYNCI" .