_:b748156 . _:b748153 _:b645775 . "C4717"^^ . "Anaplastic_Ganglioglioma"^^ . _:b748151 _:b748152 . _:b748156 _:b645778 . _:b645774 . _:b629590 . _:b738853 . _:b645775 . _:b748155 _:b645777 . _:b645772 . _:b748154 _:b645776 . _:b748150 _:b748151 . _:b645774 . _:b645773 . _:b645774 . _:b738853 _:b748150 . _:b629590 . "Anaplastic Ganglioglioma"^^ . _:b645778 . _:b645775 . _:b629590 _:b738853 . _:b645772 . "A WHO grade III neuroepithelial neoplasm composed of neoplastic, mature ganglion cells and anaplastic glial cells. The anaplastic changes in the glial component and high MIB-1 and TP53 labeling indices may indicate aggressive behavior. However, the correlation of histological anaplasia with clinical outcome is inconsistent. (Adapted from WHO)NCI" . _:b645775 . _:b748155 _:b748156 . _:b645773 . _:b748154 _:b748155 . _:b645778 . _:b645778 . . _:b748153 _:b748154 . _:b645772 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b645777 . _:b748152 _:b748153 . "9505/3"^^ . "C0431112"^^ . _:b645777 . "Anaplastic GangliogliomaPTNCI" . _:b645776 . _:b645776 . _:b645776 . _:b645777 . "Malignant"^^ . "Anaplastic Ganglioglioma"^^ . _:b748150 _:b645772 . _:b748151 _:b645773 . _:b748152 _:b645774 . _:b645773 .