_:b656001 . "Human CYP2D6*16 allele, located in the vicinity of 22q13.1, is a variant form of the CYP2D6 wild-type allele and encodes cytochrome P450 2D6*16 protein. The CYP2D6*16 allele, resulting from large deletions in the CYP2D gene cluster, is a hybrid consisting of exons 1-7 of the CYP2D7P-related gene and exons 8-9 of the CYP2D6 gene. Cytochrome P450 2D6*16 protein is enzymatically inactive.NCI" . _:b656002 . _:b656001 . "CYP2D6*16SYNCI" . _:b656006 . "Ethnicity Association: Caucasian"^^ . _:b656007 . _:b656002 . _:b656007 . _:b656007 . _:b656003 . "CYP2D6_16_Allele"^^ . "CYP2D6*16 Allele"^^ . _:b656004 . _:b656005 . "8873218"^^ . _:b656005 . _:b656006 . . _:b656004 . "Gene or Genome"^^ . "CYP2D6*16 AllelePTNCI" . "124030"^^ . _:b656001 . "C1707212"^^ . "Cytochrome P450, Family 2, Subfamily D, Polypeptide 6*16 AlleleSYNCI" . "CYP2D6*16 Allele"^^ . "NM_000106"^^ . "CYP2D6D2SYNCI" . _:b656005 . _:b656004 . _:b656005 . _:b656006 . _:b656007 . "C46049"^^ . _:b656001 . _:b656002 . . _:b656003 . _:b656002 . _:b656004 . _:b656003 . _:b656003 . _:b656006 .