_:b711654 . _:b786853 _:b786854 . _:b711654 . _:b638415 . _:b711655 . _:b711652 . _:b711656 . _:b786854 _:b786855 . _:b711652 . _:b786856 . _:b786851 _:b711651 . "C0334268"^^ . _:b711653 . _:b638415 _:b742780 . _:b742780 _:b736948 . "Schneiderian Papilloma"^^ . _:b786851 _:b786852 . _:b786854 _:b711654 . _:b711656 . _:b786855 _:b711655 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b711651 . _:b786852 _:b711652 . _:b742780 . _:b711654 . "Schneiderian PapillomaPTNCI" . "8121/0"^^ . _:b786853 _:b711653 . _:b711652 . _:b711655 . _:b711651 . _:b736948 . "Benign neoplasms that are associated with three key characteristics: tendency to recur, capacity for local destruction, and association with squamous cell carcinoma. They are classified into inverting, fungiform, and oncocytic varieties. The inverting and fungiform varieties are the most common, and the inverting variety has the highest rate of association with malignancy. (from J La State Med Soc 1997;149:310-5)NCI" . _:b786856 _:b711656 . . _:b711653 . "C4117"^^ . _:b711653 . "Schneiderian_Papilloma"^^ . _:b711651 . "Benign"^^ . _:b711655 . _:b638415 . _:b786855 _:b786856 . _:b786852 _:b786853 . _:b711656 . _:b736948 _:b786851 . "Schneiderian Papilloma"^^ .