_:b780260 _:b780261 . _:b702044 . _:b702045 . _:b780261 _:b780262 . _:b636927 . _:b780265 _:b702043 . _:b702038 . . _:b780262 _:b780263 . _:b780264 _:b702042 . "Adenoma of the ParathyroidSYNCI" . _:b702039 . _:b780266 _:b702044 . _:b702037 . _:b780267 _:b702045 . "Adenoma of Parathyroid GlandSYNCI" . _:b702037 . _:b702045 . _:b702048 . _:b780259 _:b780260 . _:b702038 . _:b780271 . _:b729632 . _:b702046 . _:b702039 . . _:b702047 . _:b702040 . _:b702040 . _:b636927 _:b729632 . _:b702041 . "Parathyroid_Adenoma"^^ . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . "Adenoma of the Parathyroid GlandSYNCI" . _:b702043 . "Parathyroid AdenomaSYNCI" . _:b702048 . _:b702049 . _:b702049 . _:b702048 . _:b702042 . "Adenoma of ParathyroidSYNCI" . _:b702037 . "Benign"^^ . _:b702043 . _:b702038 . _:b780260 _:b702038 . _:b702040 . _:b780270 _:b780271 . _:b780263 _:b702041 . _:b702042 . _:b702039 . _:b702041 . _:b780261 _:b702039 . _:b702041 . _:b780262 _:b702040 . "Parathyroid Gland Adenoma"^^ . _:b702044 . _:b780268 _:b780269 . _:b702046 . _:b780271 _:b702049 . "A benign tumor arising from the parenchymal cells of the parathyroid glands. In the vast majority of cases, the tumor involves a single parathyroid gland. It is associated with the symptoms of primary hyperparathyroidism, resulting from the excessive production of parathyroid hormone. It is usually surrounded by a well-defined capsule. Capsular invasion, vascular invasion, and perineural invasion are absent.NCI" . _:b780269 _:b780270 . _:b780270 _:b702048 . _:b702047 . _:b702043 . _:b738101 . _:b780259 _:b702037 . _:b728731 . _:b702044 . _:b780267 _:b780268 . "Parathyroid Gland AdenomaPTNCI" . "C0262587"^^ . _:b702045 . _:b728731 _:b780259 . _:b729632 _:b738101 . _:b780266 _:b780267 . _:b780268 _:b702046 . _:b702046 . "C3916"^^ . _:b780265 _:b780266 . "Parathyroid Gland Adenoma"^^ . _:b702049 . _:b780269 _:b702047 . _:b780264 _:b780265 . _:b636927 . _:b702047 . _:b738101 _:b728731 . _:b702042 . _:b780263 _:b780264 .