_:b669995 . "Encoded by human EEF2 Gene (EF-G/EF-2 Family), highly conserved 857-aa 95-kDa cytoplasmic Elongation Factor 2 is essential for protein synthesis and required for GTP-dependent ribosomal A-site to P-site translocation of nascent protein chains: peptidyl-tRNA is moved from the ribosome acceptor site to the next mRNA codon by hydrolysis of GTP bound to EF2. EF2 is completely inactivated by EF-2 kinase phosphorylation. Diphtheria and PA toxins inhibit protein synthesis by catalyzing covalent ADP-ribosylation of EF2 (from NAD). (NCI)NCI" . _:b669996 . _:b669998 . _:b669998 . _:b759739 _:b759740 . "C38586"^^ . _:b759738 _:b759739 . "EEF2SYNCI" . _:b759737 _:b759738 . _:b669996 . "Elongation Factor 2PTNCI" . "Elongation Factor 2"^^ . . _:b759736 _:b759737 . "Elongation_Factor-2"^^ . _:b632249 _:b738689 . _:b669997 . "130610"^^ . _:b669996 . "Polypeptidyl-tRNA TranslocaseSYNCI" . _:b669998 . "Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein"^^ . _:b669997 . . _:b759737 _:b669995 . "Eukaryotic Translation Elongation Factor 2SYNCI" . _:b759736 _:b669994 . _:b669995 . _:b632249 . _:b759740 . _:b738689 . _:b759738 _:b669996 . _:b669994 . "P13639"^^ . _:b669994 . "Elongation Factor 2"^^ . . _:b759739 _:b669997 . _:b669997 . _:b759740 _:b669998 . _:b738689 _:b759736 . "EF2SYNCI" . _:b669994 . "C0059037"^^ . _:b632249 . _:b669995 .