_:b747855 _:b645181 . _:b645180 . _:b747856 _:b747857 . _:b747862 _:b645188 . _:b645181 . _:b645177 . _:b747863 _:b645189 . _:b747859 _:b747860 . _:b747861 _:b645187 . _:b645183 . _:b747851 _:b645177 . _:b645182 . "Alveolar_Rhabdomyosarcoma"^^ . _:b747858 _:b747859 . "A soft tissue tumor that is most common in older children and teenagers. It begins in embryonic muscle cells (cells that develop into muscles in the body). It can occur at many places in the body, but usually occurs in the trunk, arms, or legs.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b747860 _:b645186 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b747860 _:b747861 . _:b747850 _:b645176 . _:b645178 . "CTEP"^^ . _:b747861 _:b747862 . _:b645186 . _:b645184 . "Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma"^^ . _:b645187 . _:b747862 _:b747863 . _:b629486 _:b747856 . _:b629483 _:b747850 . _:b645184 . "A rapidly growing malignant mesenchymal neoplasm. It is characterized by the presence of round cells with myoblastic differentiation and a fibrovascular stroma resembling an alveolar growth pattern. The tumor usually presents in the extremities.NCI" . _:b645176 . _:b645185 . . _:b745120 _:b629483 . _:b745121 _:b629484 . _:b645184 . _:b629484 _:b747852 . _:b629485 _:b747854 . _:b745122 _:b629485 . _:b645188 . _:b730194 . _:b745123 _:b629486 . "Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma"^^ . _:b745121 _:b745122 . _:b645188 . _:b734385 _:b745119 . _:b645189 . _:b745120 _:b745121 . _:b645189 . _:b730194 _:b734385 . _:b745122 _:b745123 . . _:b645187 . _:b645186 . _:b645186 . "A primitive, malignant round cell neoplasm that cytologically resembles lymphoma and which shows partial skeletal muscle differentiation. Recurrent cytogenetic aberrations are specifically associated with this entity: t(2;13)(q35;q14) and t(1;13)(p36;q14).NCI" . _:b645187 . _:b645189 . _:b734385 . _:b645188 . _:b629481 . _:b747855 . _:b629481 _:b730194 . _:b629483 . _:b645178 . _:b747853 . _:b629482 . _:b645179 . _:b645177 . _:b629485 . _:b745119 _:b629482 . _:b645176 . _:b629482 _:b745120 . _:b747851 . "Alveolar RhabdomyosarcomaPTNCI" . _:b629484 . _:b645177 . "Alveolar rhabdomyosarcomaPTCTEP10065867" . _:b645179 . _:b645182 . _:b747854 _:b747855 . "alveolar rhabdomyosarcomaPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000641927" . _:b747856 _:b645182 . "C3749"^^ . _:b629486 . "8920/3"^^ . . _:b645183 . "C0206655"^^ . _:b645181 . "Malignant"^^ . _:b747852 _:b747853 . _:b747857 _:b645183 . "ARMSPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000641928" . _:b645180 . _:b747863 . _:b645181 . _:b645178 . _:b645183 . _:b645185 . _:b645176 . _:b747850 _:b747851 . _:b745119 _:b747858 . _:b747853 _:b645179 . _:b629481 . _:b645182 . _:b747859 _:b645185 . _:b645185 . _:b745123 . _:b747852 _:b645178 . . _:b747858 _:b645184 . _:b747857 . _:b747854 _:b645180 . _:b645180 . _:b645179 .