_:b687780 . _:b735644 _:b745204 . _:b687784 . "C0206182"^^ . _:b634699 _:b770881 . _:b687781 . _:b687780 . "A chronic, recurrent cutaneous disorder characterized by the presence of spontaneously regressing papules. The papules are composed of an atypical lymphocytic infiltrate that contains anaplastic CD30-positive T-cells, which are found in type A and diffuse large cell type (type C) lymphomatoid papulosis. In a small number of cases, of type B, the lymphocytic infiltrate is composed of small, cerebriform-like lymphocytes that are often negative for CD30. The majority of cases follow a benign clinical course, but some cases are clonal and may progress to lymphoma. Treatment options include low dose methotrexate and psoralen/UVA (PUVA).NCI" . _:b687786 . _:b770887 . _:b687781 . _:b634698 _:b745205 . _:b687788 . _:b687783 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b745205 _:b634699 . "Lymphomatoid PapulosisSYNCITCGA" . _:b687783 . _:b745204 _:b634698 . _:b687786 . _:b687785 . _:b687787 . _:b687784 . _:b770884 . _:b687782 . _:b634700 _:b770885 . . _:b745206 _:b634700 . _:b687781 . "Lymphomatoid Papulosis"^^ . _:b736259 _:b742100 . _:b735644 . _:b742100 _:b735644 . _:b687788 . _:b634697 _:b736259 . _:b687778 . _:b687787 . _:b770889 _:b687786 . "Lymphomatoid Papulosis"^^ . _:b745206 . _:b687780 . _:b770888 _:b687785 . _:b770891 . _:b745205 _:b745206 . "Lymphomatoid PapulosisPTNCI" . "LyPABNCI" . _:b687782 . _:b770885 _:b770886 . _:b770890 _:b687787 . _:b770891 _:b687788 . _:b770886 _:b770887 . _:b736259 . _:b770881 _:b770882 . _:b687786 . _:b687779 . _:b745204 _:b770888 . _:b742100 . _:b687787 . _:b770883 _:b770884 . _:b687785 . _:b687784 . _:b770882 _:b687779 . _:b770883 _:b687780 . _:b770882 _:b770883 . _:b770881 _:b687778 . _:b687785 . _:b634697 . "C3721"^^ . _:b770886 _:b687783 . "Undetermined"^^ . _:b687788 . _:b634699 . _:b634698 . _:b634697 . _:b770887 _:b687784 . "Lymphomatoid_Papulosis"^^ . _:b770884 _:b687781 . _:b687778 . _:b770885 _:b687782 . _:b770890 _:b770891 . _:b687779 . _:b634700 . "9718/1"^^ . _:b770889 _:b770890 . _:b687779 . _:b770888 _:b770889 . _:b687778 . _:b687782 . . _:b687783 .