. _:b698592 . _:b777957 . "Oncocytic AdenocarcinomaSYNCI" . _:b698592 . _:b698592 . "Oxyphilic Adenocarcinoma"^^ . _:b729694 _:b740461 . "A malignant neoplasm composed of large epithelial cells with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm (oncocytes).CDISC" . _:b777957 _:b698592 . "C3679"^^ . "ONCOCYTIC ADENOCARCINOMASYCDISC" . _:b729694 . "An adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of large malignant epithelial cells with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm (oncocytes). Representative examples include thyroid gland oncocytic follicular carcinoma, oncocytic breast carcinoma, and salivary gland oncocytic carcinoma.NCI" . . "Oxyphilic AdenocarcinomaPTNCI" . "8290/3"^^ . "HURTHLE CELL ADENOCARCINOMASYCDISC" . _:b740461 _:b777957 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . "Oxyphilic_Adenocarcinoma"^^ . "CDISC"^^ . . . "ONCOCYTIC CARCINOMASYCDISC" . "C0205642"^^ . "Hurthle Cell CarcinomaSYNCI" . "Oxyphilic Adenocarcinoma"^^ . "Oncocytic CarcinomaSYNCI" . "ONCOCYTOMA, MALIGNANTPTCDISC" . _:b636547 . . "Malignant"^^ . _:b740461 . _:b636547 . "HURTHLE CELL CARCINOMASYCDISC" . "Hurthle Cell AdenocarcinomaSYNCI" . _:b636547 _:b729694 . .