_:b696942 . "Nodular Sclerosis Classical Hodgkin LymphomaSYNCITCGA" . _:b738268 _:b776729 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . . "NSHDABNCI" . _:b696944 . "NSHLABNCI" . _:b696942 . "A subtype of classical Hodgkin lymphoma characterized by collagen bands surrounding lymphoid nodules. The lymphoid nodules contain lacunar and Reed-Sternberg cells. Mediastinal involvement occurs in 80% of patients. The prognosis of nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma is slightly better than that of mixed cellularity or lymphocyte depleted subtype. (WHO, 2001)NCI" . _:b696943 . "NSCHLABNCI" . _:b776730 _:b776731 . _:b636182 _:b738268 . _:b776729 _:b776730 . "Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin LymphomaSYNCI" . "Nodular Sclerosis Classical Hodgkin LymphomaPTNCI" . "9663/3"^^ . _:b696943 . "Nodular Sclerosis Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma"^^ . _:b776731 . "Hodgkin's Nodular SclerosisSYNCI" . _:b696944 . _:b776729 _:b696942 . _:b636182 . "C0152268"^^ . _:b776730 _:b696943 . _:b696944 . "Malignant"^^ . _:b738268 . "C3518"^^ . _:b696943 . "Nodular_Sclerosis_Hodgkin_s_Lymphoma"^^ . _:b636182 . "Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin's LymphomaSYNCI" . _:b776731 _:b696944 . "Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin's DiseaseSYNCI" . "Nodular Sclerosis Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma"^^ . _:b696942 .