. . . . "A disorder characterized by inflammation focally or diffusely affecting the lung parenchyma.CTCAE" . "CTCAE"^^ . "C0032285"^^ . "PNEUMONIAPTFDA2011" . "Patient Code (Appendix B)"^^ . "Pneumonia"^^ . "PneumonitisSYNCI" . "Pneumonia"^^ . "C3333"^^ . "PneumoniaPTNCI" . . "Pneumonia"^^ . "pneumoniaPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045476" . "Disease or Syndrome"^^ . "PneumonitisPTCTCAEE13502" . "FDA"^^ . "pneumonitisPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000482345" . "A severe inflammation of the lungs in which the alveoli (tiny air sacs) are filled with fluid. This may cause a decrease in the amount of oxygen that blood can absorb from air breathed into the lung. Pneumonia is usually caused by infection but may also be caused by radiation therapy, allergy, or irritation of lung tissue by inhaled substances. It may involve part or all of the lungs.NCI-GLOSS" . "An acute, acute and chronic, or chronic inflammation focally or diffusely affecting the lung parenchyma, due to infections (viruses, fungi, mycoplasma, or bacteria), treatment (e.g. radiation), or exposure (inhalation) to chemicals. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, fevers, chills, chest pain, headache, sweating, and weakness.NCI" . . . . "PneumoniaPTNICHD" . . "NICHD"^^ .