. _:b694237 . "C3246"^^ . "C0026948"^^ . _:b694236 . _:b694236 . _:b694237 . _:b774961 _:b774962 . _:b774960 _:b774961 . _:b694237 . _:b774966 . _:b694239 . "Mycosis Fungoides"^^ . _:b774963 _:b774964 . "Neoplastic Process"^^ . _:b635854 _:b742103 . _:b774962 _:b694244 . _:b774962 _:b774963 . _:b774964 _:b774965 . . _:b774963 _:b694245 . _:b774961 _:b694243 . _:b774965 _:b774966 . _:b774960 _:b694242 . _:b694241 . _:b635854 . "Mycosis_Fungoides"^^ . _:b694242 . . _:b694240 . _:b694243 . _:b774964 _:b694246 . _:b742103 . _:b694246 . _:b745223 _:b745224 . _:b774965 _:b694247 . _:b774966 _:b694248 . _:b694243 . _:b694247 . _:b774958 _:b774959 . _:b694240 . "CTEP"^^ . _:b694244 . _:b736952 _:b745222 . _:b774956 _:b774957 . _:b694245 . _:b694248 . "Mycosis Fungoides"^^ . "9700/3"^^ . _:b745222 _:b774960 . _:b694248 . "A type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that first appears on the skin and can spread to the lymph nodes or other organs such as the spleen, liver, or lungs.NCI-GLOSS" . _:b694248 . _:b774959 _:b694241 . _:b774954 _:b774955 . _:b635855 . _:b774958 _:b694240 . _:b745223 _:b635856 . _:b774953 _:b774954 . _:b635854 . _:b635855 _:b745223 . "Mycosis FungoidesSYNCITCGA" . _:b635857 . _:b774956 _:b694238 . _:b635856 . _:b694242 . _:b694242 . _:b742103 _:b732048 . _:b774957 _:b694239 . _:b694243 . _:b732048 . _:b694240 . _:b694238 . _:b635858 . _:b694244 . "MFABNCI" . "mycosis fungoidesPTNCI-GLOSSCDR0000045794" . _:b745222 _:b635855 . _:b694241 . _:b774953 _:b694235 . _:b736952 . _:b694246 . "Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma/Mycosis fungoidesPTCTEP10028500" . _:b694246 . "A peripheral (mature) T-cell lymphoma presenting in the skin with patches/plaques. It is characterized by epidermal and dermal infiltration of small to medium-sized T-cells with cerebriform nuclei. Patients with limited disease generally have an excellent prognosis. In the more advanced stages, the prognosis is poor. (WHO, 2001)NCI" . _:b694247 . _:b694239 . _:b694247 . . _:b745224 _:b745225 . _:b774954 _:b694236 . _:b694244 . _:b694235 . _:b694245 . _:b774955 _:b694237 . _:b694235 . _:b732048 _:b736952 . _:b694245 . _:b694241 . _:b774959 . _:b694238 . _:b774957 . _:b745225 _:b635858 . "Mycosis FungoidesPTNCI" . _:b694239 . _:b694235 . _:b635857 _:b774956 . _:b745225 . _:b635856 _:b774953 . _:b635858 _:b774958 . "Malignant"^^ . "CTCL/ Mycosis fungoidesSYCTEP10028500" . _:b694236 . _:b694238 . _:b745224 _:b635857 . _:b774955 .